I Get Excited

Robert EbsenOP-ED

Do you get excited when you discover a new way to do something?

I do.

In the Can

Robert EbsenOP-ED

I know you're supposed to put away money into savings on a regular basis.

Do you?

Two Body Shops

Robert EbsenOP-ED

My car is in the shop.

And my body is healing on its own from a guy's uncovered sneeze on the airplane last week.

Prepared for an Attack

Robert EbsenOP-ED

Three nights ago, when this guy sitting next to me on the plane, sneezed, I knew right there and then that I was going to catch his cold.

His sneeze came so suddenly that I imagine he did not have time to cover his mouth.

Preserving Life's Treasures

Robert EbsenOP-ED

Which of your “Life's Treasures” would you would like to preserve?

In the event of your demise, what things would you like to be saved for perpetuity?

A Hands-into-Everything Sort of Person

Robert EbsenOP-ED

I was thinking — why do so many of the things I enjoy have to do with my hands?

More specifically, why do I get my hands into so many things?

The First OUCH!

Robert EbsenOP-ED

It's amazing how a little pain can make you feel OLD.

It's amazing how a little pain can make you feel OLD.

Dr. Oz: A Real Hero

Robert EbsenOP-ED

You've seen him on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

He smiles, he wiggles in his seat, he clutches at Oprah's arm