Food for Thought – And Longer Life

Robert EbsenBreaking NewsLeave a Comment

Robert Ebsen
Robert Ebsen

Last week I was talking about calcium, and this week I am talking about glucose. The connection? New blood tests have been analyzed.

My hemoglobin A1c blood test scores steadily have risen in the past few years.  These scores indicate that increasing amounts of glucose have been attaching to my red blood cells.  This year’s score was just above the new high normal range.

Now I am a pre-diabetic. What does that mean?

I Googled it.

It means I ought to cut down on my intake of carbohydrates because those turn into sugars.

I found out which foods are high and which foods are low in carbohydrates.

Duh. The foods I have been eating a great deal are high in carbohydrates:  bread, bananas and potatoes.

Did I decide to cut out all carbohydrates? I thought of that, but decided to cut down conservatively, and wait to see my blood test results in a few months.

Here are examples of my meal goals for the present:

  • For breakfast most days: An omelette of one real egg mixed with the equivalent of the egg whites from two eggs and cut-up veggies, five slices of Melba toast with a smear of margarine, a cup of half orange juice and half water with Metamucil. I will make an occasional smoothie with fruit, and half a banana instead of a whole one.
  • For lunch or dinner most days: Chicken mixed with vegetables in a stir-fry, or salmon with veggies, or a tuna or sardine salad.

Perhaps this new diet will help me to lose the few extra pounds that I carry around in my belly fat. As usual, I plan to swim a half-hour every morning and drink a lot of water everyday.

I am disappointed that my current and past physicians did not pick up on this pre-diabetic condition earlier.  But I am telling myself to be happy that it was picked up at this time.

What is next?  Does getting older mean that I can look forward to a slew of new medical problems? Hey, I’ve got to look at the positive side of all this.

As long as problems are caught early, perhaps I can make the appropriate changes necessary to keep a healthy lifestyle.  Here’s to your health!


Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at

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