Look Who Is Lecturing Us About Lying

Ari L. NoonanBreaking NewsLeave a Comment

Ms. Rice

You will forgive me, dear reader, for further blackening the crooked face of the Obama presidency.

Shameless Susan Rice, intended to be an obscure hire, grew – unimpressively — into one of the major dupes of the morally crippled administration.

Lacking a sense of humor,  Shameless Susan today sports a morally fattening sense of irony.

Already securely lodged in history books as, arguably, the No. 1 liar in an Obama White House replete with truth-deniers, Shameless Susan showed yesterday that what she lacks in brainpower she compensates for in garish brashness.

Fecklessly fearless, not to mention foolhardy, S.S., as she would be known in old Germany, posted an essay in the Washington Post vomitably headlined  “When the White House twists the truth, we are all less safe” (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/susan-rice-when-the-white-house-twists-the-truth-we-are-all-less-safe/2017/03/21/f7cdef86-0e45-11e7-9d5a-a83e627dc120_story.html?utm_term=.65795731952).

Shameless Susan has gone down – the unswervingly correct direction – in history as the shallow-minded girl who sold her few surviving morals to help her benefactor cheat his way to a second term.

The laziest president in history needed one more overweight lie – about an avoidable disaster — to guarantee a November victory over the worthy Mitt Romney.

In cooperation with his error-prone, ragingly dishonest Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, in September 2012, 60 days before Election Day, Mr. Obama propagated the most crucial lie of a career packed with extraordinary lies.

On Sept. 11 – speaking of irony — in now-infamous Benghazi, Libya, a band of dastardly Muslims massacred four Americans, including the ambassador.

The ambassador had pleaded multiple times for Hillary to send more troops to guard their mission. Hillary repeatedly blew him off.

When she told B. Hussein what happened, he told her “not to worry.” He would cover for her. Both knew if the truth leaked, the scandal would destroy his re-election chances.

  1. Hussein, Mafia-like in a personal crisis, summoned Dim Susan, his pliable ambassador to the United Nations. Calmly, he told her the exact words to the lie she was to pitch that week on all of the Sunday interview shows.

“What sparked the violence,” said Straight-faced Susan, “was a very hateful video on the internet. It was a reaction to a video that had nothing to do with the United States.”

Dutifully, the remarkably  incurious Democrat media – from the Los Angeles Times to The New York Times – resumed their roles as human shields for B. Hussein, and kept knowingly pitching the video lie until the election fell into B. Hussein’s filthy, lie-lined pockets.

Four and a half years later, Democrats and their sycophantic media stooges say “nothing there” when normal people pursue the truth about Benghazi.

Meanwhile, Shameless Susan, on the wrong side of prison bars, can dance into the corrupt Washington Post and promote an essay wailing against untruth in the White House.

The hussy shows enough brass in this disgusting stunt to field her own marching band.

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