Meet the ‘Leader,’ the Captain of the City Council

Ari L. NoonanBreaking NewsLeave a Comment

Ms. Sahli-Wells

First of a series


This is not your father’s City Council.


One reason is the unofficial leader of the Council does not resemble your father.

Meghan Sahli-Wells is inarguably charmingly feminine, inarguably smart and astute.

She also is:




Committed so deeply to her causes that no one ever has espied the bottom of her political cause well.

The subject of who is driving the City Council bus arose the other day when two by now nearly forgotten former members of the City Council were sitting around a non-cracker barrel.

They were reminiscing about the new days rather than the old ones.

Yes, Jeff Cooper is the mayor, the former Council members said.

Yes, Thomas Small is the vice mayor.

But they rated Ms. Sahli-Wells as captain of the team because she is on a mission every meeting.

Her being without a cause would be the equivalent of coming to a Council meeting barefoot, the former Council members said.

And Ms. Sahli-Wells always is properly shod.



“Perhaps the strongest reason Meghan is the leader of the Council, aside from her personality,” said one of the formers, “is her work ethic. Her preparation for every meeting is so impressive.”

One of the oldertimers wanted to be certain the labeling was not seen as megaphoning for Ms. Sahli-Wells.

“I am not lauding Meghan when I talk about the gifts she brings,” the person said. “I am just talking about what I have observed.”

The two persons concurred that on most issues, the City Council casts a vote of unanimity.

“I am talking about policy issues,” one said. “Eight times out of 10, the Council is going to unanimously act.

“When they don’t agree, when ever there is an opening, Meghan is there to take charge.”


(To be continued)

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