A Sad Take on Trump’s Courageous Call

Ari L. NoonanBreaking News, NewsLeave a Comment

As a Jew, the most disappointing – but least surprising – reaction to President Trump’s landmark Jerusalem decision was the broad disapproval declared by non-Orthodox Jews.

Politics, sadly, is their defining identity.

It is more important to these anti-religious types to boo President Trump than to celebrate an astounding worldwide victory for their own people.

The present generations of Jews are too far removed from the happily leaking effects of the unrestrained euphoria of Israeli statehood in May 1948 to care about Jerusalem more than Myanmar.

  • At least 94 percent of American Jews are political liberals. Religiously, this means 94 percent seldom see a synagogue from the inside.
  • Calling 6 percent of American Jews Orthodox may be an exaggeration.

It also is an exaggeration to assert that only the Orthodox corner of the Jewish community is cheering Mr. Trump’s remarkably brave recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

When the whole (mostly anti-religious, anti-Semitic) world is pushing back against you, only a stout-hearted leader such as Mr. Trump will survive.

No president in the last 29 years has come close to the courage Mr. Trump has shown the past few days.

The liberal websites and newspapers have been flooding our country in years – a certain sign Mr. Trump made a bullseye decision.

I cringed last week when one of the mocking websites reported that President Trump made the call mainly – yes, mainly – to please his evangelical base, not Jews.

But that probably, and again sadly, is accurate because Israel is a meaningless detail in the lives of anti-religious Jews.

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