Say No to Billboards – Any Version

Scott McVarishBreaking News

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Re: “Open House Thursday on Freeway Signage” 

Our city has done a very good job at both managing growth and limiting overdevelopment. It is not an easy task, but our stewards deserve kudos. This includes the city staff and many current and former City Council members. Because of their efforts and foresight, Culver City sits in an envious position.

Our city really can reject the type of growth that would negatively impact our quality of life. When negotiating with developers, it can resist elements of proposals that other cities would simply have to roll over and accept.

Given this, I urge our city leaders to simply say no to additional billboards (commonly renamed “creative signage” when the billboard is electronic and huge).

I believe this should be our adopted bargaining stance for both the Entertainment District by Fox Hills and for any future development. See pages 25 through 27 of the proposed development at

Developers and companies want to build in Culver City. Saying no to billboards will not dissuade them to do so. It will simply help manage the growth in a way that is less detrimental to those of us already living here.

Make your opinion heard here on the city survey: 

Keep up the good work, city leaders. Be strong when you negotiate these proposals.

Mr. McVarish may be contacted at