Times Douses Fears of Sharia Law

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Ever since the news desk and op-ed department of the Los Angeles Times merged several years ago once Muslim terrorism surrounded the world, the newly stated position of the left-wing newspaper has been that all Muslims are vigorously more welcome to our shores than before.

As good liberals, the Times has left the “why” portion of the policy change to readers’ imaginations instead of defending its position.

In Sunday’s edition, the Times devoted a full page to raging, heavily slanted coverage of miniature protests on Saturday against the threat of Sharia law.

Only non-liberals were branded. Left-wingers were not.

The scary, unbelievably overblown headline that screamed across the top of the page read:

Rallies attack Sharia law, Islam.”


The Times based the volatile opinions in the supposedly objective news story on the very leftist Southern Poverty Law Center, which, comically, was portrayed as a disinterested centrist group.

The Times branded as haters and bigots all of the marchers in the tiny pockets of protest.

There were “nearly 100” protestors in New York. Nearly 100? Seriously? (Given the Times’s hatred for non-leftists, the crowd could have ranged anywhere from 3 to 99.)

The story neglected to note that in any public setting in New York, there are 100 people waiting to enter a restroom, waiting in line for an ice cream cone or waiting for a red light. So?

Speaking of “nearly,” the Times said there were “nearly two dozen” marches or protests. Wow. Anywhere from 2 to 23, boys? What crack reporting.

Opinionated “reporters” Kurt (I  Love All Muslims) Lee and Jenny (I Do, Too) Jarvis embarrassed the profession of journalism with their unrelieved anger that Americans were allowed to make such a protest.

Risking sunburn, Jenny was on the scene in Atlanta where the turnout evidently would have fit into the trunk of your car.

Disdaining sol, Kurt wrote from the safety of the Times’s downtown office, scuttling any possibility of sunburn.

This did not prevent him from belittling marchers because he disagrees with their views. What a guy.

Embarrassed, evidently, because they were writing about such miniscule events, the “reporters” chose to numerically characterize the crowds only in a couple instances.

Quoting anonymous liberal sources, Kurt and Jenny reported there is no chance of Sharia law gaining a foothold in America, and that marchers were wasting the left’s precious time. Again.

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