A Dare for Garcetti: Walk One Day with Me

Jay HandalOP-ED1 Comment

Photo: Jerry Tovo / The Blaza

We have a state of emergency.

When will the elected officials finally stand up and side with the Neighborhood Councils and declare the state of emergency for omelessness and lack of affordable housing?

The Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition and the West Los Angeles Sawtelle Neighborhood Coalition both have passed motions asking their Los Angeles City Council members and Mayor Garcetti to make the declaration.

In the Los Angeles Times last week, an article about Veterans’ homelessness quotes Mr. Garcetti as stating his trip to Washington was a priority because he was looking at an app he follows when he realized that Veteran homelessness had spiked in Los Angeles.


It took an app to open his eyes?

Anyone want to buy a bridge?

The West Los Angeles Veterans Administration readily admits they have 1500 VA vouchers for a room, but no place to put them.

No wonder nobody wants to fund the West Los Angeles Neighborhood Council’s request for the St. Joseph’s Center to bring in outreach people to help with West L.A. homeless.

The real truth is, there are no homes in which to place Veterans.

As for the West Los Angeles VA, they have 200 acres of unused or under-utilized land.

Why not emergency shelter-like tents.

Vince Kane, a VA Higher up representing the Secretary of Veterans Affair from Washington, says tents are inhumane.

Really? Every soldier going to war ends up in a foxhole or tent…

The Veterans living on the streets would love to have a tent.

Is it not inhumane to leave them on cold sidewalks or on a cardboard box?

Where are their priorities?

Maybe the City Council, Mayor Garcetti and the leaders from Washington should all sleep on our sidewalks for the next month.

Watch how fast housing is developed.

I challenge every Council member, the mayor and all representatives from the Veterans Administration to walk with me for one day.

Then tell me there is no state of emergency.

Mr. Handal, chair of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition, may be contacted at sgrest@aol.com

One Comment on ““A Dare for Garcetti: Walk One Day with Me”

  1. Janet Chabola

    Jay has it exactly right. There is no reason that the open fields at the VA can’t support a “roof” over the head of our homeless Vets in WLA.
    We need to get our elected officials out in front of this.
    Everyone please contact”your” elected representatives and tell them to get shelter for our Vets!

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