Throwing a Baby Away

Mike HennesseyOP-EDLeave a Comment

Mike Hennessey
Mike Hennessey

Dateline Dayton –– When will the killing of children stop?

This situation is so sad. A father, using the term loosely, throws his four-month-old infant — strapped in a car seat — into the river. Naturally, the baby drowned.

He told police the infant had been kidnapped. After his story started decomposing, the dad confessed.

How can a parent kill a child, helpless at four months? None of the news stores mentioned a mother. There had to have been one.

In an earlier essay, I told you about a mother, grandmother and a female friend, who beat a little boy to death. I still believe licensing parents would be a good first step.

You Have Choices

Okay, so you can’t bring yourself to vote for Donald Trump.

That is no reason to endorse Hillary Clinton. We still have the right to write in a name for president. I am seriously considering this option. In good faith, I cannot vote for Hillary. Nor, under present circumstances, can I bring vote for Mr. Trump.

We need someone like him – who is less offensive — in office. Mrs. Clinton has done nothing to impress. We will just get four or eight more years of President Obama’s failed polices.

I’m voting for my governor, John Kasich. I still believe he would do a great job while realizing such a vote will help elect Mrs. Clinton.

Family Time

Last Friday our daughter was here from Michigan, along with her two daughters, for her husband’s family reunion. I took our oldest granddaughter to the Dragons baseball game, which was delayed by rain. We didn’t stay for the almost three hours for the start of the game.

Tuesday night, Pauline and I attended the Dragons game, and we stuck it out until the bitter end, watching them lose 9-3.

As I’ve stated before, at least we enjoy going to the ballpark!

Can you believe it is August? The summer is going by quickly and the kids soon will be returning to school soon.

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