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Mike Hennessey


Isn’t This the Pepsi, Not the Beer, Generation?

We had a Presidential race relations meeting with beer, and here I thought “things went better with Coke.”

Aren’t we living in the Pepsi Generation?

The Auction

A week ago Saturday, I went home to attend an auction with my sister at the company where our father had worked for over 50 years.

It was great to be back in the building, but at the same time it was sad. Here was a company that was in business for over 100 years, and now it’s only a memory.

A New Old Federal Policy

Being a grandfather, I’m very concerned with what Washington is doing to my grandchildren by throwing money at our problems.

Now they are taking on health care, which does need work. But what will be the cost of this change?

Uncle Paul

Uncle Paul was born in a small town in Ohio.

Pleasant Hill doesn’t even have a traffic light.

Children — and Licensing

From a previous article of mine, you are aware that I am opposed to abortion.

Another concern I have is the amount of child abuse in this country.

The Fourth of July — Then and Now

This weekend we will celebrate the Fourth of July, the birthday of our country.

Even with all our problems, we have a great country. Things will improve. They always have, they always will, just not as fast as many of us would like.

Of Fathers Past

Since Sunday will be Father’s Day, I wanted share some thoughts on the father figures in my life.

The first thing you need to know is that middle age passed me by some time ago. As I’m fond of saying “Age is nothing more than a state of mind, and I am very young”.

Sad Signs Were Obvious and Ignored That an Old-Line Company...

Last week I wrote about being a cash register collector, and I mentioned how National Cash Register was headquartered in Dayton.