Home Authors Posts by Robert L. Rosebrock

Robert L. Rosebrock


Why Not Invite Me?

  Good morning, "Updated VA Partnership Leaves Dog Park's Fate Undecided" “On Sept. 7, the West Los Angeles Dept. of Veterans Affairs held a press conference to...

Communists Endorse Hillary

Fellow Americans, In the following article, we learn where Hillary got her talking points/ propaganda for her "basket of deplorables" insults last week.... Communist Party USA...

No Letup in Mistreatment of Vets

  Mr. McDonald,  At the 442nd consecutive Sunday Rally of the Old Veterans Guard to "Save Our Veterans Land" and to "Bring Our Homeless Veterans Home,”...

Only One Ono

Fellow American and Friends of Americans,  We have lost another great leader and role model -- a True American -- Ret. Lt. Gen. Allen Kenji...

Sen. Ted Is a Lieu-ser

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,  Mark Twain rightfully noted: "History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes." Be forewarned: First they came for the Veterans...

Another Vet Kills Himself

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,  Another Vietnam War Veteran has committed suicide, this time for being denied emergency health care at the Long Island...

VA Cops Dole Out Another Beating

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans, During last Sunday’s weekly protest by Veterans seeking to have the VA property returned to the care of needy...

See Mayor Upside-Down

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,  Below is an outstanding article by General Jeff, aka the Mayor of Skid Row, challenging Mayor Garcetti and his...

New Look at VA Corruption

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans, Here is another insightful essay by Joanne Rosamond about the corrupt and dysfunctional Dept. of Veterans Affairs and the...

Truth About VA Chief

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans,  Read this honest, insightful article by Joanna Rosamond about VA Secretary Robert McDonald's terrible failures. Meanwhile, he is being hailed...