Home Authors Posts by Nicholas Pollak

Nicholas Pollak


Hypnosis Clients Travel Lightly

If you have never tried hypnotherapy, you may want to put a session on your bucket list. Imagine your body being more relaxed than you...

How Opposites Can Mesh

A recent client said she had a desire to explore. She did not disclose what she meant until the second session. My program is the...

You Can Do It Yourself

On a lazy day, you have completed your chores, and you are relaxing in your favorite recliner. Listen. Do you hear dogs barking, cats meowing,...

Hypnosis Stage Shows: Boo

The two most common questions clients ask me are: “Will I remember what happened while I was hypnotized?” “Are you going to take control of my...

Do Not Resist Change

Nothing but trouble the last week maintaining a connection to the internet. No resolution in sight. I am not overly concerned. Eventually it will be...

Take Your Time

The number of clients I see on a weekly basis is consistent and  changes dramatically. I have not figured out why. Some just want to try...

Swing’n Sway with My Client

A new client is an avid fisherman suffering severe motion sickness, sea sickness. It is so distressing because he loves to fish, and this...

A Bathroom Problem

Evidence that people come to see me for all sorts of reasons, often considering hypnosis a last resort, was the woman with a urinary issue. She...

Building A New Relationship Without Guilt

I received a call from a new client having trouble within his new relationship.. He had been married 25 years when his wife died two...

Shortest Route to Liking Each Other

Since Valentine’s Day came and went, I wonder if you are in the relationship you want? Or is your relationship causing problems? Relationships are tricky....