Home OP-ED You Can Do It Yourself

You Can Do It Yourself

Nicholas Pollak
Nicholas Pollak

On a lazy day, you have completed your chores, and you are relaxing in your favorite recliner. Listen.

Do you hear dogs barking, cats meowing, birds singing, planes flying, cars driving by, phones ringing, people talking, bells ringing?


You stare at an object and notice what is happening. The object and the room begin to defocus.

Notice that your eyes tend to pull in toward the bridge of your nose.

Simultaneously, you have a tendency to blink more than usual.

When it becomes uncomfortable to keep your eyes open, allow them to close. Keep listening to the surrounding sounds. Seems to be a rhythm to the sounds.

You start feeling relaxation spreading through your body. Help it by focusing on different areas of your body — your toes, the soles of your feet, ankles, calf muscles, knees, thighs, hips, back, abdomen, solar plexus, chest, shoulders upper arms, elbows, forearms, wrists, the back and the palms of the hands, fingers, knuckles and thumbs.

Return up your arms to the back of your neck, your entire scalp, forehead, eyebrows, eyelids, nose cheeks and ears, upper and lower lips, chin, and finally your jaw muscle.

Do not be surprise to find that your mouth may open a little as you relax.

Visualize the changes you want. Form a clear picture of how to attain them. See yourself succeeding.

You may be surprised at how this hypnosis exercise helps you.

More Than a Wife

This relaxation was developed by the wife of the famous hypnotist Milton Erickson, for whom Ericksonian hypnosis is named. Assisting him, his wife learned a lot, and performed hypnosis herself.

She tended to use this form of hypnosis for naturally anxious people. This gentle induction is as effective as any other form of hypnosis.

Years ago an Arizona doctor charged with determining whether hypnotists should be licensed, came to see Milton Erickson. The doctor said that he would not allow himself be hypnotized by Mr. Erickson even though that is why he went to see him.

Mr. Erickson went through the different ways of trying to hypnotize the doctor. Of course he was unsuccessful. If you do not want to be hypnotized, you cannot be.

Mr. Erickson went outside, hypnotized his secretary and asked her to stand in front of the doctor until the doctor went into hypnosis.

Ten minutes later, the doctor was sitting on the couch hypnotized as the secretary  stared at him.

The doctor had said he would not allow Mr. Erickson to hypnotize him, but that did not include the secretary,

Another hypnotist was helping with an NFL team and hypnotized all of the players, assuring them they would play in the Super Bowl. They did. Unfortunately, the hypnotist forgot to tell them to win.

A powerful tool, hypnosis is easy to create for anyone willing to be hypnotized.

It is not fiction, do-able for anyone willing to work hard, follow suggestions and to relax during hypnosis.

Give it a try. If you need help, contact a hypnotist who can train you to perform self-hypnosis.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net


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