Home Authors Posts by Alexandra Vaillancourt

Alexandra Vaillancourt


Sad to See You Go

Dateline Boston -- My good friend G is moving back to NYC after living in my town for the past 16 years. She, her...

Visiting the Spirited Mind of a Preschool Teacher

Dateline Boston -- I’m so happy to be teaching again. Although it has been four years since my last teaching position, I have slid...

Princess Made Us Feel Prince Was There

Dateline Boston -- Last week I saw a cool Prince tribute band. They’re called Princess. The lead singers are college friends Maya Rudolph (of...

My Life—From A to Z

Dateline Boston -- A is for Animated. That’s how I feel when I’m with kids. B is for Boys. I have a lot of boys...

What? Me Work Out?

Dateline Boston -- Something happened to me this summer. Well, it may have been happening to me for over a year, but some time...

Are Thumbs Supposed to be Green?

Dateline Boston -- This summer, as I was being shown how to water the grass and plants at my new preschool, my director tore...

You Can’t Go Home Again. Again.

Dateline Boston -- A few years ago, I wrote about going to my college roommate’s home and discovering it had changed. I had a...

Just in Case We Need to Go to the ER

Dateline Boston -- We’re going away for the second time ever since we’ve had our cats. The last time we went away, our male...

True Meaning of a Genuine Staycation

Dateline Boston -- I’m in the middle of my second staycation this summer, and I’m having fun! I’m in between gigs right now. My...

Preschool Reunions Around Town

Dateline Boston -- Last week I was having dinner with a friend at the new pizza joint, and two teenage girls came in. They...