Home Authors Posts by Alexandra Vaillancourt

Alexandra Vaillancourt


Not My President

Dateline Boston -- A friend gave me a journal. On the cover it says, “Keep Calm and Write On.” That sounds like good advice...

Bully for You – and That Ain’t Funny

Dateline Boston -- Ah, Facebook. It’s become my way of blogging. I post status updates and photos several times a day. I check to...

I Will Remember You

Dateline Boston -- The older you get, the more you experience death, and that really stinks. I was exposed to death at a relatively...

O Christmas Tree

Dateline Boston -- Every year we go to a parking lot in the next town to get our Christmas tree. We go in, pick...

If I Were a Rock…

Dateline Boston -- This week I decided to finish a writing prompt that was given to me as part of a writing group I’m...

A Letter to My Editor

Dateline Boston -- I met a man on an airplane about eight years ago, and we hit it off. He asked me to write...

The Skies Are Friendly!

Dateline Boston -- I met a man on an airplane. I knew he would be fun to talk to the minute he opened his...

Wet Report — For the Love of Comfort

Dateline Boston -- On Wednesday night of last week, instead of watching history as the Chicago Cubs broke a 108-year losing streak, I flooded...

How Handy to Marry a Handyman

Dateline Boston -- I married a handyman. Husband is good at a lot of things—working with computers, mincing vegetables, reading maps. He’s also great...

Being the Grammar Police Is Not Fun

Dateline Boston -- Facebook has been very, very good to me. It got me a husband and a job. It also got me an...