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Attempting to Tame an Ego

How about moving off the center,

Into the corner or to the side?

Two Striking Women

Like lightning flashing across the summer sky, inspiration arrives at stunningly unexpected times. Last Tuesday when I was walking to a class on Robertson Boulevard, Beverly Hills, my eye was arrested by two striking figures. I have not been able to forget them.

Without a Doubt, She Is Doubting

I’m doubting…
I’m thinking …
I’m fighting with myself…

Mr. Smallking Receives His Reward – or Does He?

Editor’s Note: Ms. Mansell, introduced to readers earlier this month, is a burgeoning writer and a deeply searching thinker. Today she concludes a suspenseful two-part script offering.

The Snail King and His Mystery Mission

Interior. Morning. Mr. Smallking’s bedroom. The alarm rings. Loud annoying music. 6 a.m. Mr. Smallking opens his eyes. He gets up instantly from his bed, fixes it, puts on his robe on, kisses the portrait on the wall [a large black-and-white framed photo of a lady in her late 50s. Woman’s face is crooked with a wide, fake smile. She is wearing the same small, round glasses we noticed on Mr. Smallking. The picture is hanging on the wall right above his small bed. He adjusts the short sleeves on a tight jacket – his moves are fast and robotic, automatic.

We Think Differently Than They Do

And none of them was white.
And none of them wondered what was the purpose…
They were all taken by an instinct. They were being directed by something that was beyond their ability of understanding.

The Hollow Hollywood

Night. Closing coffee shops. Opening bars. Broadway. People – couples and lonely strangers. Loud cars. Red light. Yellow light. No rules. The evening air complements tourists with a free smell of fresh weed (it’s all included). The smell of American freedom. Beautiful girls (maybe guys) are innocently fixing their tights in the middle of the street, glancing at the dark windows of passing cars. Everything and everybody doing its routine. The usual Hollywood evening.

Did We Make the Correct Decision?

A poem by Eugenia Mansell...

Somebody Please Tell Me Why We Are Here

[Editor’s Note: Ms. Mansell is a poetess and a deeply searching thinker. See brief biography below.]

If You Want to Leave, She Says, Not Anything Can Stop...

[Editor’s Note: Ms. Mansell is a poetess and a deeply searching thinker. See brief biography below.]