Home OP-ED Collectin’ in the Rain

Collectin’ in the Rain

Photo: Circe Denyer / publicdomainpictures.net

Dateline Dayton – Last week was my semi-annual trip to the Chicago area for the Cash Register Collectors Club swap meet and meeting, in St. Charles. My friend Howard and I started out at 10 o’clock. Rain was threatening. Just before reaching Interstate 70, rain exploded. It made driving so difficult.

Fortunately, the rain stopped after a short while. The rest of the trip was dry.

We have been making this trip since 1997. To avoid Chicago traffic, we have experimented with many routes. Last November, we finally discovered a way that skirts the most dense traffic. What took us so long!

By 4 o’clock we were at our hotel, and within an hour we were headed to our favorite place to eat. This would be an opportunity to see Smiley, the owner who never smiles, and his “friendly” (grumpy) staff. We always comment that it’s a good thing the food is great and the price reasonable.

This time, however, were in for a surprise. Smiley was his usual self, but our waitress, well, she was unusually friendly. Even fun. How can Smiley allow such an upbeat person to work for him.

In the evening we had our usual gathering in the lobby of the hotel, discussing cash registers and other important items of the day.

Our outdoors swap meet was scheduled for the next morning, but it was raining. We always reserve a room in case we need to escape the weather. While the room had been reserved, unbeknownst to the hotel staff, the group that had the room rented for Thursday night came in on Wednesday and set it up.

Since we did have the room reserved, they allowed us to set up in the lobby. Happily, that worked better for us. We drove right up to the door and unloaded.

Did not buy anything at the swap meet.

At out 2 o’clock meeting, we tried to agree where to hold our fall swap meet. That and other business took two hours.

Afterward, we left for home because the weather forecast for Friday morning was not promising. I called Pauline to say I would arrive home at midnight. I walked in the house exactly at 12.

Update – More than a year ago, I wrote about a lady who was mauled to death by her neighbor’s dogs. The neighbors were to go on trial Tuesday morning. Instead, they pleaded no contest. The judge found them guilty.

The victim’s attorney has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Montgomery County and others. I hope the neighbors end up in jail. The best, though, that can be expected, is a judgment that the taxpayers will pay for the incompetence of many.

Another black eye for the NFL with the conviction of Aaron Hernandez. Athletes should not be allowed to turn professional until they have graduated from college or they have undergone a training session, where they learn to be responsible citizens.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net.