Home Editor's Essays Sissy Boys of Washington Surrender on Jerusalem

Sissy Boys of Washington Surrender on Jerusalem


Dateline Culver City, Nothing — Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish state since Moses led the Exodus from Egypt, a 40-year journey across the desert, into Palestine, which, for the benefit of liberals in Newspaperland, occurred prior to the 21st century.

This became a crucial point 24 hours ago when chicken-hearted, Jew-dreading American liberals scored another splashy victory in a deep kowtow to the Muslim world that makes liberals quake in their Florsheims.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a 12-year-old boy of American parents, born in Jerusalem, actually was born in Jerusalem, Nothing, not Jerusalem, Israel.

By 6 to 3, with only John Roberts, Antonin Scalia and Sam Alito standing up for normal persons, the Court voted for convolution. The majority of justices asserted that only the president of the United States of America, or the United States of Northing – not the Congress, which has made a contrary law — could decide whether a passport should read “Jerusalem, Israel” or “Jerusalem, Nothing.”

Historically, since Israel became an officially recognized state of the world in 1948, with a crucial boost from President Truman, the USA or the USN has refused to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state – out of deference to Muslim terrorists who have been seeking to wipe out Jews since the sect arose in the seventh century.

There is stultifying pressure on American presidents – from George W. Bush, a genuine friend of Israel, to President Obama, an unapologetic anti-Semite, to curry favor with Muslim terrorists by standing officially neutral on whether Jerusalem is in Israel.

This is as idiotic, as illogical, we have said before, as arguing whether Culver City is in California or Nebraska ot Arkansas.

The difference between Jerusalem and Culver City is that Muslim terrorists cannot be open in Culver City.

The Supreme Court yesterday and Presidents traditionally take their cue from the reliably anti-Semitic State Dept. Check the record.

The State Dept. maintains that altering a passport “could provoke uproar throughout the Arab and Muslim world,” a bloody Custer-style surrender that sickens normal persons, Gentile or Jew.

Try swallowing those despicable words without choking.


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