Home Editor's Essays Turning Plastic Bags (Ban) Inside Out

Turning Plastic Bags (Ban) Inside Out

Mike Posey. Photo: HBVoterGuide.com

Mike Posey, in his fifth month as a Huntington Beach City Councilman, sounds like a Ted Cruz-type of politician — a singularly focused political newcomer who does not let history or opposition impede him.


Just as the issues of gays – 2 percent or less of the population – are obnoxiously overblown, so, too, I suspect is the nanny-state debate over plastic bags and their muddy effect on the environment.


Mr. Posey not only is seeking to make Huntington Beach reportedly the first community in the country to reverse its dopey plastic bag ban, he is tantalizingly close to his goal.


At last night’s meeting, Mr. Posey’s proposed ordinance restoring plastic bag usage passed 6-1 on the first reading.


After the next reading, it will be adopted 30 days later, and Huntington Beach will have rendered a miracle in overcoming the often narcissistic, attention-chasing emotional forces from the environmental movement.


Mr. Posey, by contrast, appears to be a gentleman of substance. According to his bio:


“Mike and his wife Jeannie have been downtown homeowners since June of 1999 after having moved here from Yorba Linda. Mike and Jeannie chose to relocate to Huntington Beach to be close to the ocean and its climate. They quickly realized that living downtown meant that you were part of a community and new friends were made quickly. Huntington Beach really is a small town of over 200,000 people.

“Mike and Jeannie owned and operated Advan-Tech Woodworking Machinery in Huntington Beach from 1999 until January of 2009. Advan-Tech sold high tech industrial machinery throughout southern California. At their peak, they employed staff from all disciplines including outside sales, inside sales, service technician and administrative personnel. As a former business owner, Mike knows what it takes to earn a profit, make payroll and pay taxes.


Respected government officials who are strong advocates of the ban admit they are unable to detect any environmental changes, up or down, since the comedy of bags became law.


So there.