Home OP-ED Hello? Interior Secretary Plans to Seize Almost Quarter of California

Hello? Interior Secretary Plans to Seize Almost Quarter of California


[img]2773|right|Sally Jewell||no_popup[/img]Under the guise of promoting “green energy,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell is spearheading a plan for the Obama administration to seize control of 22 million acres of California land.

Her objective: To manage conservation and renewable energy production.

This amounts to nearly one-quarter of our entire state.
The Desert Renewable Energy and Conservation Plan lays out most of the Southern California desert and inland valleys for large -scale solar, wind and geothermal development.
Placing large scale wind farms in the California desert will put migratory birds, including the California Condor, at risk. The California Fish and Wildlife Service observed that in 2011 the Pine Tree Wind project resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1,595 migratory birds, the highest recorded in the nation.
Ms. Jewell, born in Great Britain 58 years ago, is the 51st United States Secretary of the Interior.

She worked for Mobil Oil in Oklahoma, 1978 through 1981.  She worked in the banking industry from 1981 through 2,005.

Her only qualification for Secretary of the Interior is that she has been a longtime staunch supporter of President Obama.

Mr. Hawkins may be contacted at rjhculvercity@aol.com