Home OP-ED I Coulda Had a V-8 – Duh!

I Coulda Had a V-8 – Duh!

Robert Ebsen
Robert Ebsen

More of those wonderful events that I call Duhs.

These could have given the advertisement folks at V-8 Juices their motto:

I coulda had a V-8!  —

Like, I coulda turned off the phone’s volume!

The Phone’s Volume Button

After having telephones all of my life, I, Duh, realized recently that besides turning off the ringers to the telephones, I had to turn off the volume on the phones before I take a nap so I won’t be woken when someone leaves a message.

There must have been messages left while I was sleeping these many years.  Maybe I just used to sleep more soundly.

Reserved Movie Theatre Seats

I used to complain to my wife that we should get reserved seats for the movies. I was afraid that there would be no seats available when we got there. But last week, with my wife’s assistance, I realized that all I have to do is go online and look to see what seats are available at the theatre.  I realized you could do that before you pay for the tickets. It only takes 10 minutes to get to the theatre and, it’s not likely that many seats will be sold in that time.

Wasted Smoothies

How many wasted, half-filled smoothies have been poured down the sink over the last several years. This week I realized I could put my unused smoothie back into an empty orange juice bottle or carton for the next day. I can either drink it separately or add it to the next day’s smoothie.

iPhone Flash Drive

Wow! It was amazing to discover while searching Amazon last week that I could buy a flash drive for my iPhone. I bought one and now I can store high definition movies on it.  I keep it on my nightstand near my iPhone.  What fun to watch a 10GB 3-D movie in bed with my iPhone playing inside my virtual reality (VR) headset.

Insulating and Protecting My Pool

When the wind blew this afternoon, my pool’s cover – a sheet of greenhouse plastic that entirely covers the aboveground pool – was flapping in the wind.  By stretching, and then zip-tying the cover to the pool wall in several places, I not only protected the pool from wind, but insured that rain would not pile up on the roof.

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at robertebsen51@gmail.com


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