Home Letters Virtual Private Parking Lot –10700 Block of Farragut Drive

Virtual Private Parking Lot –10700 Block of Farragut Drive


By Ken Smith

Re “He Says Emperors Weissman and Cooper Have No Clothes”

Why are the Greenbergs so afraid of having a parking study done on Farragut Drive?  If the Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church is causing such a huge problem, won't that be revealed in the study? 

However, if the church and other small businesses in the area are not causing a parking problem, that also will be revealed.  That is what the Greenbergs are worried about. 

They know that they have had the undeserved benefit of a virtual private parking lot on a public street for many years.  After the study, the facts regarding parking on Farragut will be known for the first time, and the city can act accordingly.

Mr. Smith may be contacted at kenandjoz@ca.rr.com