Home OP-ED Nifty Way to Conquer Panic-and-Anxiety Attacks by Yourself

Nifty Way to Conquer Panic-and-Anxiety Attacks by Yourself


[img]560|left|Nicholas Pollak||no_popup[/img]Panic and anxiety are common emotions amongst a great many people. They are debilitating, and they can severely impact the quality of their lives and their relationships.

Panic and anxiety are uncomfortable, always leaving the sufferer shaky, uncertain, afraid and very insecure.

They never know when an attack is going to occur.

Instead of enjoying their days, they are left with the fear of having an attack at an inopportune time.

Consequently, they begin to limit their activities. This concern simply feeds the already debilitating condition. They are left in a vicious circle of doubt and worry, affecting everything they do, whether at work or socially.

In broad generalities, panic and anxiety occur as a result of placing all of one’s emotions in the body and being unable to detach from them in a mental way.

Missing Protein

Therefore, every unexpected twinge or sensation leaves persons worried for their physical welfare.

Another reason is, they are not giving their body enough protein. Protein breaks down to the sugar that the brain needs in a slower and more even way than does the sugar in carbohydrates.

In some cases the feeling of panic and anxiety are created as the brain is looking for sugar and can’t find any.  A panic attack sets in, creating an adrenaline rush that gives the brain what it needs.

In most cases, people will attach a thought or an action or a scary event to the feeling of panic. As a result, they will stop doing whatever they were doing when the attack hit, believing the attack was caused by whatever they were doing at the time.

Although debilitating, panic and anxiety, to the sufferer, generally is easy to fix. Once the person has an understanding of how these attacks are created and understands the mechanism by which they are created, this knowledge will allow the attacks to begin to ease, finally disappearing.

Most people remember when they had their first attack and what they were doing.  This is key in assisting a sufferer to a quick recovery.

Once people understand that it was not what they were doing at the time that created the attack and that they will not die — despite shortness of breath, the rapid heartbeat, sweating, nervousness — there is a dietary solution.

 It is combined with “box” breathing and desensitization techniques taught while in hypnosis, to help them regain control.  Thereafter, attacks lessen. In most cases, they become a thing of the past.

 A New Technique

Box breathing is a simple, effective way to deal with an attack. Some dizziness and out-of-control feeling comes from the body breathing in too much oxygen. To regulate this, the sufferer must begin to “box” breathe. Try it.

Start with a count of three. You may prefer one count less or one count more. Here is an example using a count of four.

1)      Breathe in, 2,3,4.

2)      Hold your breath,2,3,4

3)      Breathe out, 2,3,4

4)      Hold your breath, 2,3,4


As your control returns take your count to five, then six and on up. 

Box breathing regulates the oxygen and carbon dioxide input and output. Your mind becomes occupied with the concentration on the counting.  The attack eases, then goes away.  You are left calm and relaxed much more quickly than you had thought possible.

Hypnotherapy is extremely useful in assisting sufferers to rid themselves of attacks. Hypnotherapists will offer a protein- based diet and help you regain control while in hypnosis this way: By having the sufferer create, then lessen an attack.

While in hypnosis, an attack is created on command by the sufferer — and also controlled, eased and ended by the sufferer.

Once sufferers realize that in the safe state created by hypnosis they really have the control of the attack, that they themselves are creating it, that they themselves have the power to stop it, a process of desensitization begins, guided by the hypnotherapist.

Attacks will begin to ease and ultimately go away.

Once the frequency of attacks is reduced, they may recur on occasion.  But most importantly, the sufferer will have the needed tools and a complete understanding of what the attack is, how it is created and how to stop it. 

Personally, I uffered from debilitating attacks for years.

Only when I trained to become a hypnotherapist was a solution offered.

Until then, I had been given Valium or Xanax. They simply masked the symptoms.  Unfortunately for me, they had a severe effect on my personality — to the extent the attacks were preferable to the change in personality. 

As part of my training, I was to undergo hypnotherapy sessions so that I, as a new hypnotherapist, would understand what future clients would go through.

I used the sessions to resolve these attacks. After three sessions. my attacks mostly were  gone.

On the rare occasion of an attack, I was able to eliminate it within 30 seconds.

My life changed completely.

If you suffer from this condition, contact me so that I may assist you to live a better life, panic and anxiety-free.

A clinical hypnotherapist, handwriting analyst and certified  master hypnotist, Nicholas D.  Pollak may be contacted at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net