Home OP-ED Our Man Goes on Trial Today

Our Man Goes on Trial Today

Robert Rosebrock

Fellow Americans,

Start today off watching this video of Sir Patriot and the National Anthem

Note how Sir Patriot admonishes and condemns the wealthy ingrates in the NFL without speaking a word.

Today, Ted Hayes, aka Sir Patriot, will be joining me at the defendants table along with fellow Veterans Dave Culmer, 85-year old Korean and Vietnam Wars Marine combat Veteran, Francisco Juarez, Vietnam War Marine combat Veteran and Pastor Wiley Drake, a two-tour Navy Veteran of the Vietnam War.

Today, imposters representing the United States of America, aka United States Attorneys, will continue with their lies and deceit that have been superseded by the lies and deceit of other imposters representing the United States Dept. of Veterans Affairs, including VA police officers.

Today, the ingrates who falsely represent the United States of America vs. Robert L. Rosebrock, will try to continue lying.

They have lied about everything, including trying to sneakily deceive us that the time of today’s trial is at 8:30 and not at 9:30, as stipulated by the court.

They have subverted the foundation of this trial by lying repeatedly, refusing to cooperate so that justice can be served.

These imposters and ingrates have no case. They know it. That is why they l deceive repeatedly, led by Asst. U.S Atty. Sharon McCaslin as well as collaborative officials of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, VA Secretary McDonald and Los Angeles VA executive director Donna Brown.  Neither Mr. McCaslin nor Mr. Brown is a Veteran.  Mr. McDonald has openly lied about his military service.

Today, U.S. Magistrate Judge Steve Kim must do the honorable thing he was entrusted to do — uphold justice — and summarily dismiss these falsified charges against the flag of the United States of America and the right to photograph illegal VA police activity, and not waste any more taxpayer dollars.

The camera charges are a sham. It is the VA police who violated state and federal law.

If Judge Kim decides to proceed with these shameful and bogus charges, he must postpone today’s trial and reschedule it for late January or early February  so that everybody is on the same page.

I have filed a long list of grievances with the U.S. District Court deputies who reflect never-ending deception.

Today is Judgment Day for the American flag and Judge Kim.

Will he condemn those traitors who declare the American flag is nothing more than a “placard?”

Or will he go down as the judge who believes the American flag standing next to his right is no more important than a “handbill, pamphlet, placard or flyer.”

In sum Judge Kim can do the honorable thing or, second best, reschedule a trial.

Fellow Americans, re-watch Sir Patriot and the National Anthem. It may be the last time the American flag will be known as the American flag and the NFL ingrates and anti-democracy flag-burning protestors win.

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

Mr. Rosebrock may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com



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