Home OP-ED Talking Back to Waxman — He Is at Fault

Talking Back to Waxman — He Is at Fault


Waxman to Blame

None of this negligence and abuse at the National Veterans Home in West Los Angeles would’ve happened if he had been diligent in his trusted responsibility of honoring the principles and spirit of the Deed of 1888.

thefrontpageonline.com should post both the Congressman’s proposed bill (H.R. 2225) and the “serious alternative” bill on behalf of fellow Veterans, which was authored by Francisco Juarez and myself, titled, “Los Angeles National Veterans Home Land Preservation Act of 2007.”

Then readers can see the comparison as to who is really defending our Veterans and their National Home.

Some Differences

In his proposed bill, the Congressman gives the illusion in the opening statement that he is giving support to Veterans by declaring: “To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit a report to Congress providing a master plan for the use of the West Los Angeles Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, California, and for other purposes.”

There already is a “Master Plan” that has been in place for nearly 120 years.

It isrespectfully called the “Deed of 1888,” and it specifically mandates that our government is to “permanently maintain a National Home for disabled soldiers” on these hallowed grounds.

Irresistible Loophole

Moreover, the last three words of his bill’s prologue, “for other purposes,“ takes everything away and leaves a loophole big enough to drive a fleet of Hummers through. This loophole allows special interest groups such as the Veterans Park Conservancy (VPC) to turn this revered land into a public park including other invasive “non-commercial” developments through no-bid, preferential treatment leases now in negotiation or to be negotiated in the future. In fact, the Congressman sided with the VPC to turn this hallowed land into a public community park.

The Congressman even signed off on the degradation of the military’s famed “Duty, Honor, Country” watchword by allowing the VPC to change “Duty” to “Beauty” on the multi-million dollar gated facade that benefits the community of Brentwood and not the Veterans. Tragically, one million dollars of Veterans’ sorely needed healthcare and rehabilitation money was spent on this fiasco. The Congressman became guilty of “dereliction of duty” by allowing it to happen.

What About the Present?

On the surface, the Congressman’s bill purports to prohibit the future sale or commercial development of the Veterans’ property, but he does not address the existing leases of the Veterans’ land, which has been turning this sacred land into an amusement park and entertainment center.

His sleight of words obviously saves political face by declaring that he is doing something on behalf of Veterans and protecting this land from so-called greedy developers while giving non-Veteran groups an open door to lease this land for their own special benefit at bargain-rate prices.

Until Now, It Has Been Safe

For over a century, the National Veterans Home has been maintained as a safe haven for veterans to convalesce and rehabilitate.

Yet today, it’s anything but that as these hallowed grounds have been leased to private and commercial entities and become an unwelcome invasion of selfish interests. Of paramount concern is the continuous serving of alcoholic beverages by long-term lessee, Richmark Entertainment Group. This not only violates the spirit and principles of maintaining this as a safe and sober haven for rehabilitating Veterans, but it violates federal law and even local laws of serving alcohol on Veterans’ grounds.

Course Is Clear

Let there be no misunderstanding; this is no longer a nebulous responsibility to be dictated by outside sources such as Richmark Entertainment, VPC and other special interest groups. Instead, it is a specific and inviolate responsibility of our elected public servants that calls for the absolute enforcement of the Deed of 1888.

No longer shall this land be leased or used to reward campaign donors of either political party with special favors at the expense of our Veterans. Put simply: it’s time to execute “principles over politics,” as the late, great veteran and American patriot Gil Ferguson always advocated.

They Rely on Our Integrity

We must never forget that future generations of Veterans are depending upon us to do the right thing in their behalf and to carry on this proud tradition, just as previous generations have heretofore done.

If the V.A. Medical Center needs more operating funds, then Congressman Waxman and Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) must demand it in the V.A.’s annual budget request and not lease this land to supposedly make up for the fabricated shortfall.

Bake Sales?

If they cannot deliver, then “we, the community” will hold public fundraisers to take care of our Veterans.

The elected public servants must also request for a new Administrator at the local V.A. and specify that this be an individual who is fully dedicated to serving the needs of all Veterans, including those who are homeless.

An Opening Beckons Us

In summary, this an extraordinary opportunity to wipe the slate clean with our “serious alternative” bill and build the finest medical and rehabilitation center in the world for the world’s greatest defenders of freedom and democracy.

Such action requires defending and protecting the Deed of the National Veterans Home for our Veterans’ best interests, just as our Veterans defended and protected the Constitution of the United States for our best interests.

Robert L. Rosebrock is a Vietnam-era Veteran