City’s Dispute Over Oil Drilling Explained to the State by Weissman


[Editor’s Note: Here are the prepared remarks of former Culver City Mayor Andy Weissman, pertinent to the Inglewood Oil Field, delivered this afternoon in Hermosa Beach. He testified before the State Assembly Committee on Environmental Safety & Toxic Materials
for the Investigative Hearing on Oil Drilling and Production Hazards.]

Sci-Fi Short Film Roundup: The District 9 Trend

Frédérik SisaA&E, Film

Although it would be rather hyperbolic to suggest that District 9 represents a milestone in 21st century science fiction cinema, Neil Blomkamp’s gritty tale of aliens among us certainly does set the pace for a new trend. And it is this: science fiction rooted in near-future speculation.

Picasa, I Love You

Robert EbsenOP-ED

Many years before the home computer, I used to play with sorting rods and punch cards. They were the first home “computer-like” devices. I would place the sorting rod through the holes in a stack of cards on which I had written things like the names of countries and the items found on the state seals of those countries. The item I was looking for, say “trees,” would then show up when the cards with those items fell out of the stack. Now I could see which countries had trees on their state seals.

Red Velvet Heaven

Alexandra VaillancourtOP-ED

Dateline Boston — This week I celebrated my birthday. We had tofu “ice cream” sandwiches at my preschool. I went out with my Significant Other and a bunch of friends. We had a lovely dinner with lots of laughs, gifts and a resounding edition of the birthday song. It was great.

The Day That Swish Got His Fondest Wish

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

I am almost old enough to have lived through the Roosevelt administration — Teddy’s, not FDR’s — and I cannot remember a time when groupings of peoples were so calculatedly and ferociously set off against each other by an American government.

Yoga Series to Open Saturday in Santa Monica

Wendy TaylorNews

Manduka, the leading international manufacturer of yoga gear, invites Los Angeles yogis to take the inspiration of your practice beyond the edges of your mat and practice community on Saturday afternoon between 4 and 6 o’clock at Yoga Glo in Santa Monica.

Ewell — What He Found, What He Did About It

Ari L. NoonanNews

First in a series

Walking through the significantly vacated north wing of the third floor of City Hall this morning, it resembled the losing side’s territory after the war. One empty office after another, both sides of the aisle.