Why Is the State Flying a Deadbeat Dad Across the Country for a Visit?

Mike HennesseyOP-ED

Dateline Dayton — Following up on last week’s essay: Level heads prevailed within the California judicial system and baby Vanessa was not returned to Dayton last Friday. There will be an ongoing legal battle, which probably will take some time to resolve. The next court date here in Ohio is one week from today. I just hope the best interests of the child will be represented when this case gets before the judge.

When Courts Not Only Practice Blind, but Stupid, Justice

Mike HennesseyOP-ED

The California Connection

Dateline Dayton — Dayton and California, specifically Orange County, have been making the national news this past week. A girl from Dayton gave her baby up for adoption and the baby was legally adopted by a nice lady in California.

In Our House, Shopping Comes Before Visiting

Mike HennesseyOP-ED

Dateline Dayton — This past weekend, Pauline and I traveled to Michigan to see our daughter and her family. Most of our trips are tied to another event, and this time was no exception. It was sale time at the University of Notre Dame.

A Kernel of Truth About the Patterson Legacy

Mike HennesseyOP-ED

Dateline Dayton — In my past couple of essays, I have mentioned John H. Patterson, and I would like to share some information regarding this influential civic leader, a giant in the history of my community who left enormous accomplishments as his vast legacy.

Oops. Did I Spill Something?

Mike HennesseyOP-ED

Dateline Dayton — Every day we are bombarded with information about the BP oil spill. I am going to give you my two cents worth.

Commissioners and Morals Seem to be a Volatile Mix

Mike HennesseyOP-ED

Dateline Dayton — Probably you have heard about the seven-year-old girl from Detroit shot in a police raid. The details I have read are sketchy. However, I believe the police must receive support. Their job is very dangerous. They never know when someone, even grandma, will pull a gun.