The Day My Home Visit Turned into a Pleasant Surprise

Nicholas PollakOP-ED

I recently received a call from a friend having a problem with his elderly stepfather. His stepfather’s son said his father was aging rapidly and appeared to have a severe case of dementia. The son said he was combative with people who came into his home to help. He also should not be driving. He was a danger to himself and others.

How to Acquire a Lifetime Supply of Self-Confidence

Nicholas PollakOP-ED

If you have ever been to a hypnotism show, you will have seen the dramatic finale where the hypnotist takes a member of the audience and has the person believe he or she is as rigid as a titanium bar, so rigid the hypnotist will lay the participant between two chairs and have someone stand on the person’s stomach.

When You Go on a Diet, Eschew Trying to Starve Yourself

Nicholas PollakOP-ED

Losing weight, just like stopping smoking, is one of the hardest things a person may attempt. We want to lose weight fast. Unless we do, we find ourselves not seeing the weight loss happening fast enough and we will simply return to our old habits and not lose the weight we want to. We will remain unhealthy, tired, out of … Read More

Hypnotherapy Can Slide You Through Surgery

Nicholas PollakOP-ED

Not long ago, I noticed two lumps in my lower abdomen. I chose not to do anything for a couple of weeks. While deciding what to do, I went through a multitude of concerned thoughts as most people would. Is it cancer? A hernia? I was reluctant to do anything. I was scared by what the doctor would say. The … Read More