City Hall Snaps Into a Salute Toward Park Century Students

Ari L. NoonanNews

Just three months after the prestigious Park Century School moved from West L.A. into Culver City, a group of environment-minded students was invited to City Hall last night to be honored by the Parks and Recreation Commission.

The boys and girls didn’t take long to make a strong civic mark on their new hometown.

A Potentially Explosive Night Melts into Softness

Ari L. NoonanNews

The expected thunder and lightning of supposedly controversial community subjects came and went, painlessly, at last night’s City Council meeting without a drop of rain striking anyone on the head.

In a Spirited, High-Flying Environment, Ridley-Thomas Scales a Political Mountain

Ari L. NoonanNews

The Hall of Records, the stately — and formerly staid — home of the County Board of Supervisors, rocked with rip-snorting rhetoric for 90 minutes this afternoon when the premier political orator in Los Angeles, Mark Ridley-Thomas, took the oath of office as Supervisor from one of the piping hot political properties in the state, Kamala Harris, the charismatic district attorney of San Francisco.

Hoping to Bring Back the EIR on Oil Drilling for a Further Look, Citizens File Suit

My OpinionNews

[Editor’s Note: As promised a month ago when “unfriendly” verdicts were rendered by the County Board of Supervisors regarding drilling in the Baldwin Hills, citizens of the Culver Crest area have filed suit against the County and the oil drilling company known as PXP. “Our purpose,” said Kenneth L. Kutcher, lead attorney for the petitioners, “is to request the Superior Court to order the County to revise and re-circulate for further review and public comment the Environmental Impact Report. The EIR needs to study the Community Standards District as adopted, and the mitigation measures in the CSD need to be more fully developed at that time. The lawsuit does not attempt to prohibit all oil drilling in the Baldwin Hills. Rather, this lawsuit seeks to ensure that future drilling and production of oil and gas in the Baldwin Hills is done safely and responsibly to mitigate significant potential adverse impacts on the surrounding communities and natural environment.” The case was filed last Tuesday, and the County was served the next day.]

Rocha of West L.A. College on Ridley-Thomas’s Transition Team

Garth SandersNews

Supervisor-elect Mark Ridley-Thomas over the weekend announced that Stephen B. Sample, President of USC, has been appointed Chair of his 2nd District Transition Team, an advisory group that will provide advice and counsel on policy issues, critical community concerns, County commission appointments, County budget priorities and related matters. The team also includes Dr. Mark Rocha, President of West Los Angeles College.

With a Few Laughs Over Idiosyncrasies, They Said Goodbye to Bob Lench at West L.A. College

Ari L. NoonanNews

The historic Breakfast Club at the equally historic Roll ‘n’ Rye deli — convening seven days every week —has developed a large cavity since one of its founders, Bob Lench, died on Nov. 7. But at this afternoon’s memorial service on the campus of his beloved West Los Angeles College, dear friends said the 84-year-old trustee left them with such a reservoir of stories, they can spin ‘em for years without ever repeating.

Meet Our Newest Feature

Frédérik SisaNews

Do you see it?

That little button marked “add this” at the bottom of every article?

Thanks to reader Terri Champlin, who kindly emailed us with a great suggestion, we have made “add this”’s latest feature. And what does this friendly little button do?

A ‘God Bless You, Bob’ Message: Rare and Revealing Glimpses Inside the Golden Soul of Bob Lench

My OpinionNews

[Editor’s Note: The life of philanthropist Bob Lench, 84, longtime West Los Angeles College Foundation board member, who died on Nov. 7, will be celebrated on Monday at 12 noon at the college’s Fine Arts Auditorium. Dr. Chong was a close friend of Mr. Lench, and she wrote the following tribute on the day of his death. See two previous, related stories, both dated Nov. 20. Keywords: Bob Lench.]