The Hate Shleppers, Mitchell and Bass, Are Popping Off Again

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

The distinction between U.S. Rep. Karen (Heaven Help Us) Bass (D-Culver City/Crenshaw) and a crudely carpentered door, fittingly, is indiscernible. Her mind and a door are of a single piece. Open and shut. If the woman possesses, or can define, “nuance,” she has kept it well-hidden, another task far beyond her ken.

Timing of Obama Oration Was the Most Intriguing Part

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

The breathtaking arrogance of President Obama, frequently found crouching off the living room behind lace curtains, was on chest-pounding display in his gimmick-strangled, easily dissected Free the Illegal Aliens speech last evening. The most revealing aspect of the worst 14 minutes in recent Presidential history, however, was his timing.

USA Today Cheers on Racists with Strategic Flame-Lighting

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Like a nosy mother-in-law who is underserved at home and takes out her frustration on her daughter’s harried spouse, USA Today has made a career of poking into other people’s trash piles. Stirring filth among liberals is their specialty. Who cares if it is true or fictional? The bullseye of Today’s insecure editors is to goose their mostly left-wing readership.

Liberals Move from Chair to Chair to Sit on, Smother, the Truth

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

A thick slice of rich American humor, the ironic kind, emerges in the liberal/mainstream media whenever an embarrassing liberal lie is exposed. Do you remember John Kerry’s fake Vietnam claims that helped to sink his Presidential run? This week’s exposition of huge lies once again drove the liberal media’s feeble response, which has resembled a slow leak in your kitchen faucet.

Inconsistency Is a Virtue on the Left

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

By darn, as an old coach of mine used to semi-curse. I wish I had been born a liberal. Then I would not have so darned many rules to live by. None, really. Take our town’s ministers of muffled morality at the Los Angeles Titanic, known for its fastidious news selectivity and sterling sense of consistency.

A Love Note from Utah – Even for Displaced Liberals

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Prominent among the numerous unendearing qualities of black and white liberals is that all non-white men and women must believe as leftists do or they are cerebrally inept, an embarrassment to their group. From President Obama on down, it galls leftists raw that non-whites refuse to be lockstep sycophants.

Normal Women Show Democrats Importance of Values

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Even though Republicans this morning hold more state houses than at any time since 1920, the Year of Warren Harding, and their widest edge in the House since 1928, their obliteration of Democrats does not yet feel like the sweeping, stunning repudiation of liberal racism and liberals’ assorted lies and wars – against women, gays, technicolor and 3-D minorities and one-legged coal miners with whooping cough.

If You Can’t Outthink Your Opponent, Make Fun of Him, He Says

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

Now that environmentalists have lost the war against the oil drilling method known as fracking, unable to make untethered charges stick, plastic bags have reflown into their purview. Not all plastic bags, not even close. Just one visible dimension, the kind groceries used to hand out at checkout counters.