One Man’s Behavior Was ‘Shocking’

Jay HandalLetters

I have read with great displeasure about the fiasco created at the opening of the Fiesta La Ballona last Saturday (see stories below). As President of the Greater West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, I hold and emcee many events which out-of- the-district politicians attend. At each and every one, a courtesy is extended to them should they wish to spread joy or greetings to the guests attending. I am shocked at the behavior of City Councilman Steve Rose, but not surprised. Review the tapes. Mr. Rose, on more occasions than I care to count, is condescending to constituents and very onesided in his manner. His lack of public manners has been displayed toward me and all of those with whom Mr. Rose disagrees.

Why He Favors Malsin


     I am supporting Scott Malsin for City Council in Tuesday’s election. Scott has consistently demonstrated his ability to get things done and not just hope others will do something in the future.
     He is a staunch supporter of homeowner’s rights, and he proved it when he revitalized his neighborhood group.
     He is able to balance the needs of both business and homeowner, and he is proving it during his tenure on the Planning Commission.

     He has consistently taken on the difficult jobs and seen them through to good conclusions, and he proved it during his tenure as Fiesta Chair, to name just one example. 

     He is the right person to represent us on City Council right now.
     I urge you to vote for Scott Malsin on Tuesday.
Alan Corlin, Culver City
 Mr. Corlin is a member of the City Council.

The Downside of Measure V


      I want to tell you why I am opposed Measure V, the misguided Charter Reform proposition on Tuesday’s ballot.
      I don’t believe the system is broken and needs to be changed, as some people claim. Actually, the problem is the ineptness of the people who are running the system., namely the City Council. The Council has failed in its duty to operate within the guidelines of the Charter. For that reason, they want to change it, which will give them more time to get their act together.
      The Council has failed in any way they needed to justify changing our City Charter.
      I can’t read their minds. I don’t know why they think it should be changed. The Council appointed the Charter Review Committee with instructions to look at the Charter and bring it up to date.

Here’s What Elevates O’Leary


      I am a proud resident of Culver City, and a past President and member of the Board of Directors of The Classics at Heritage Park Homeowners Assn. (2000-2005). I write to state the unequivocal support of my family — my wife Kim and children Dylan and Kate  — and of many members of my  Association for the election of Mehaul O’Leary to the City Council on Tuesday.
      Like many who have previously served ably on our Council, Mehaul’s business acumen, articulateness, pragmatism and ability to lead and consensus-build would, alone, make him a fine addition.

Experience Recommends Malsin


     I am writing to encourage all of you to vote for Scott Malsin for City Council on Tuesday, April 11. Scott has consistently shown his dedication to our city, with five years on the Planning Commission, as 2003 co-chair of the Fiesta La Ballona, organizer of many local neighborhood activities, and multiple other roles dating back more than ten years. He is intelligent and creative, and he works very hard on city business. 
     My personal experiences of working with Scott demonstrate that he has the ability to apply his leadership and problem-solving skills in finding workable solutions to the city’s challenges. 
For example, as a private citizen working with Planning Commissioner Malsin on a matter of concern to our neighborhood, I found that Scott was ready and willing to help find a solution that worked not only for our neighborhood, but also for the city as a whole. 

I Am Against Silbiger


     I know Gary Silbiger, the Vice Mayor. When he first came to our mobile home park on Grandview Boulevard, we all thought he was there to help us.
     As it turned out, many of us were wrong. Mr. Silbiger was against including us in the (city’s neighborhood redevelopment) project from the beginning. So were many of my neighbors.
     However, as more information about what the Redevelopment Agency could offer us in the way of assistance became public, most of my fellow mobile home park neighbors changed their minds.
     We need the Agency assistance. We even took a straw vote that overwhelmingly proved it.

Why ‘V’ Is Right Move

Ari L. NoonanLetters

     As present and former members of the School Board, we agree on the importance of passing Measure V (Charter reform).
     We support the new City Charter, Measure V, because it will make positive changes to our city government.

     We know the changes will be beneficial based on our experience as "part-time elected officials" in Culver City with an organizational structure similar to the proposed city manager-form of government. We have experienced "order," and we shudder at the idea of "chaos."

Speaking of Dr. McGaughey

Ari L. NoonanLetters

     I just read your story, “Jaffe’s Name in the Super Derby,” (Monday), and I have to say that this is not only rampant speculation on your part, but that your story includes a number of factual errors.
     First of all, since Supt. Dr. Laura McGaughey just announced her retirement a few days ago, (effective July 31), it is speculation, and only speculation, that the School Board would choose to focus its search entirely within the Culver City Unified School District.
     More likely, the Board will discuss the matter and opt to seek candidates from both inside and outside the District.

A Disturbing Mailer


     I received a mailer from the Mehaul O’Leary campaign that I found greatly disturbing. Mayor Albert Vera was featured prominently.
     In the text, Mayor Vera stated that he didn’t like the numerous three-to-two votes by the City Council, and that the election of Mr. O’Leary would bring about unanimity.
     I view those three-to-two votes as a by-product of democracy. It proves to me that different interests are represented in our city government, as they should be. It shows us that there is discussion of issues instead of rubber-stamping.  A system of checks and balances is a thing of the past in our federal government. I mourn the loss, and I do not want to see Culver City move in that direction.

6 Reasons to Back O’Leary


We are proud to support Mehaul O’Leary for City Council, on Tuesday, April 11,  for several reasons:
  1. Mehaul is independent.  He is not a politician, and he does not bring any political “baggage” with him in his quest for election.  He is not tied politically, owing favors to any organization or any individual.
  2. Mehaul is a businessman who became successful the hard way – by converting a dying business into a thriving business.  He brings with him a businessman’s perspective and sensibility. He is the only City Council candidate who has the experience of balancing a budget and meeting a payroll.