Only Weissman Wins Endorsement From the Chamber Board

Ari L. NoonanNews

Fresh off of his shiny new endorsement from the Chamber of Commerce, City Council candidate Andy Weissman said there are major differences between his first run for office in the 1980s and the present campaign.


“The first time, everything was new, and I was still pretty green,” he said. “Now I have smoothed out a bit.”

That can happen when an aspirant for office transforms from a 36-year-old into a more mature 57-year-old.

The Set up

Mr. Weissman was among seven City Council candidates who met individually on Tuesday morning with 16 voting members of the Chamber of Commerce Board at the Four Points by Sheraton, seeking endorsement.

The interview grilling, over 2 1/2 hours, covered a three-minute opening, the same five questions for all, and a 60-second closing.

“We were trying to determine their ability to become a community leader,” said Steve Rose, CEO of the Chamber.

Only Mr. Weissman came away with an endorsement.

The Questions

In addition to being tested on what set each one’s worthiness apart from his or her rivals’ for the three seats, candidates were quizzed about such roomy commercial topics as:

What is your view of the role played by the business community?

Should business play and larger or smaller role than it is at present, and why?

What is your opinion of film and television shooting in the streets of Culver City?

An Edge?

Having practiced law in Culver City for more than 30 years, Mr. Weissman may have held a presumed edge going into the private interviews because he has served continuously for years on City Hall regular and special panels.

“Running for office this time feels a lot more natural,” said Mr. Weissman, who has developed relationships with City Hall’s key players in the last two decades.

“I did not speak from notes,” he said. “I felt comfortable. I tried not to pander and give them the answers they wanted to hear.”

Two Missing

Two members of the candidates’ field were unavailable, Randy Scott Leslie and Gary Russell.