Rep. Watson Endorses Dr. Henderson for Council

Garth SandersNews

Diane E. Watson, Member of Congress, representing California's 33rd District, today has endorsed Dr. Luther Henderson for the City Council of Culver City in the April 8 election.

A 16-year Culver City resident, Dr. Henderson was appointed to the Cultural Affairs Commission seven years ago, and he is once again Chair of the Commission.

The candidate, one of nine competing for three open seats this spring, said his priorities are to attract more small businesses, initiate a comprehensive review of the city’s General Plan for land use and redevelopment areas, maximize revenue sources and identify future ones to maintain and improve city services.Dr. Henderson identifies himself as an “independent voice for creative leadership.”


Candidate Luther Henderson with U.S. Rep. Diane Watson (D-Culver City)

His diverse business and civic experience include memberships in the Chamber of Commerce, the Cultural Affairs Commission, the Exchange Club, the Historical Society, the Culver City Homeowners Assn., and he is a graduate of the Police Dept.’s Citizens Police Academy.

He is married to Patricia G. Siever, the Director of the Accelerated College Transfer Program, and Professor of History at West Los Angeles College. Prof. Siever is the former Vice President of the Board of Governors of California Community Colleges. She was appointed to the Board of Governors by Gov. Pete Wilson and reappointed by Gov. Gray Davis. They have four adult children and one lively grandson.

“Culver City is a place where one can live, work and raise families in a safe environment.,” Dr. Henderson said.

“My family and I have enjoyed the quality of life that Culver City affords, and I have made a commitment to serve to pay back the community that I call my home. This commitment will be made manifest when I am elected to the Culver City Council.”

For more information see Dr. Henderson’s web site www.LutherHendersonForCouncil.Org.