Two Likely Causes for Council Fireworks: Mixed-Use and After-Office Jobs

Ari L. NoonanNews

Two subjects on the City Council’s 7 o’clock agenda tonight are likely to ignite bonfires, one for insiders, one for the rest of the community.

The opening volley will be a public hearing to debate the revised dimensions for mixed-use projects, essentially 35 condos per acre and a 56-foot height limit, with nuances attached to both that will raise and lower the numbers.

To sweeten the appeal of the adjusted numbers for developers, a so-called Community Benefit Incentive Program is up for approval.

Based on a specific formulaic calculation, builders would be granted greater flexibility in developing a project in exchange for agreeing to provide the community with a satellite product such as a day-care area or extra parking.

Next Job for Council Members

The insider piece concerns a somewhat mysterious “discussion and consideration” ordinance.

Believed aimed at particular parties now holding office, the proposal would prohibit certain — but only certain — elected officials from accepting “city employment or holding a city position” after leaving office.

The precise targets may or may not be identified, or at least hinted at, from the dais tonight.

The five elected officials excluded from this ordinance would be the members of the School Board.

Therefore, those in the line of potential fire include:

City Clerk Christopher Armenta.

City Treasurer Crystal Alexander.

City Council members:

Alan Corlin.

Steve Rose.

Carol Gross.

Whether the instigator and the presumed targets will be able to keep their feelings internalized will be one of the evening’s anticipated dramas.