Dentist Who Opened My Mouth and Asked for Help

Nicholas PollakOP-ED

[img]560|left|Nicholas Pollak||no_popup[/img]I had an appointment with a new dentist the other day, and when I told him I was a hypnotherapist, he said if he had not seen it with his own eyes he would not have thought it possible.

He related the story of one patient from 15 years ago who also was a hypnotherapist. . The patient was to have serious dental surgery, including extraction of a molar, bone graft and stitching of the gums. Before surgery, he requested that he be left alone for 5 minutes to self-hypnotize because he wanted the procedures done without anesthetic.

After allowing the time, the dentist proceeded to do the procedures, he was amazed the patient was able to tolerate the procedure without any pain.

To the dentist’s surprise, he found that the usual blood loss associated with the procedures was, in fact, 90 percent less than normal. After witnessing this, he became a firm believer in the power of the subconscious mind and hypnotism.

The dentist asked me if hypnotherapy could help him to get over a relationship he was currently leaving. He felt angry all the time. He wanted to know if hypnotherapy could help him deal with unrelenting anger. In no uncertain terms, I said it could.

I told him the story of an 80 percent physical sexual male who had come to see me some years earlier with a similar problem. Not only was this client hurting from the breakup, he was angry with his ex-partner for what she had done to him. His anger and hurt affected everything he tried to do, particularly his work. He even was beginning to doubt his ability to succeed in his career.

There Goes Anger

When I hypnotized him, and he was amazed at his reaction while under hypnosis to my suggestion that he now let his ex-girlfriend and his anger go. He literally arched his back. And he screamed as he released this pentup hurt and anger.

His back arched more dramatically than I had ever thought possible. His scream lasted a full 2 minutes.

When he dropped back into his chair, sweat pouring from his brow, not only was he stunned. He admitted he felt better than at any time since his break up. He wished he had come to my office sooner.

Hypnotherapy is an incredibly powerful tool, but it is not acknowledged or used nearly enough. Most medical doctors and dentists, at best, receive perhaps 8 hours of discussion on hypnosis and its amazing power.

A urologist I know became excited when he found out I was a hypnotherapist. Quite categorically, he said that hypnosis had been used at two of the hospitals he was affiliated with for pain control , and it had favorable effects on the patients.

In a book called “Full Catastrophic Living,” by Jon Kabbat-Zinn, a Ph.D, the author had been conducting group hypnotherapy classes to assist patients suffering chronic pain. These were patients for whom large doses of pain medication were no longer working.

Seventy percent of those who used hypnosis to control and eliminate their pain were still using the process 5 years later with minimal pain and zero pain medication. The rest were still taking the medication in larger doses with little or no improvement.

Make a Picture in Your Mind

Hypnosis really works.

Visualization is powerful. Two teams of basketball players were asked to do the following: one group was to practice 20 minutes a day making three-point shots. The other group was group hypnotized every day. They were instructed in how to visualize a successful three-point shot.

The team that practiced every day scored 23 percent of the time, the one that used hypnosis scored 21 percent of the time.

The sub-conscious mind is incredibly powerful once you understand and know how to use it.

It creates success, happiness, and prosperity and what ever else you can visualize that is a realistic and an attainable goal.

An actress I know has dreamed of winning an Oscar since she was 5 years old. With her determination, ability and self-confidence, she became a huge success.

Her goal of an Oscar has not yet materialized, but her determination and confidence remain firm, She works everyday toward her goal, recognizing and congratulating herself for every success as she continues toward her goal.

She recognizes where she wants to go. When necessary, she makes course corrections. Most importantly, she never loses sight of her goal.

So it can be for each of us. Know where you want to go. Understand the needed steps. Visualize your success, and work hard to get there.

The power of your subconscious will do the rest.

A clinical hypnotherapist, handwriting analyst and certified  master hypnotist, Nicholas D.  Pollak may be contacted at