Dr. Oz: A Real Hero

Robert EbsenOP-ED

You've seen him on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

He smiles, he wiggles in his seat, he clutches at Oprah's arm

He speaks with abandon and excitement about the issue that is most important to all our lives:


Not only does he SPEAK about things that can make us healthier,

He SHOWS us — right there on the table — the six-pound pile of fat that can be removed from our bodies by following his simple guidelines.

He ACTUALLY ACTIVELY participates in experiments.  He swallows a camera pill on TV, and we watch with amazement the live streaming video straight from his small intestine.

Dr. Oz is a hero because he treads where OTHERS HAVE NOT in order to help us to improve and extend our lives:

He teaches us the importance of recognizing the shape of our “poop.”

He teaches us the importance of passing gas

Now Dr. Oz will have his own television show.  Beginning Sept. 14, I will watch it faithfully, just as I watched every time he appeared on Oprah, thanks to the power of the DVR.

One of the most important things Dr. Oz says is this:

Just start to make some changes. Once you see the results, often in a week's time, you will want to continue that lifestyle.

You know what one of the hardest things to do is?

It's to get moving on something YOU KNOW will be good for you.

Dr. Oz makes it easier to get moving.  That seems to be his goal. 

It is our good fortune to have him there helping us to improve our lives.
Let me know what Dr. Oz means to you.   robertebsen@hotmail.com