I Cannot Imagine Psychological Trauma of Rocket Fire


Dateline Jerusalem —
We have all heard the "statistics" of this war, the
comparisons between the number of dead Israelis to the number of dead
Palestinians. Injuries are not reported as much by the media because
those statistics are similar. Israelis might actually get sympathy and
be portrayed as victims of rocket fire from Gaza.

I thank G-d for all the miracles He has provided us so far in this war.

The thousands of Palestinian rockets and mortars that have been launched
from Gaza into Southern, and now parts of Central, Israel, have created
untold physical damage to structures such as homes, schools and hospitals.

I will bet you haven't seen the pictures of the devastation they have
reated! The media is only portraying the plight of the Palestinians.

It has been an absolute miracle that more Israelis have not been killed.

However, many have been injured with shrapnel in their brains, amputated
limbs, and untold maiming of men, women and children. I cannot imagine
the psychological trauma of experiencing the rocket fire.

Many are flooding the hospitals because they are in a state of hysteria.

Today I learned that one million Israelis are in bomb shelters or
secure/safe rooms in their homes. However, I would venture to
guess that you have not heard that statistic. Israeli children cannot
go to school, businesses are closed down, people have fled for shelter in
strangers' homes throughout the country.

When the Explosion Came

Some fled to the north. But now that rockets are being fired from Lebanon
into Israel, the north is no longer a safe place to go.

I spoke with someone at the market today. He went to visit relatives
the other day when the sirens went off, warning the population that the
rockets were on the way toward them. He served in the army, but told me
that he had never been as frightened in his life as he was hearing that siren.

And then, he heard the rockets explode.

The room he was in is a "safe" or "secure" room, like a bomb shelter
within your home, built in all newer buildings in Israel. Yet, he was still able to
hear the rocket and feel the ground shaking as it reached its destination.

The older buildings do not have these rooms, but usually have a bomb
shelter in the basement of the building. Good luck trying to reach it in time.

And then there are those of us who will have to travel by car, bus or train
to get to work in other cities. We won't have the luxury of a shelter or safe room.

The Lie About Phosphorous

In fact, the latest civilian deaths today were a result of a Palestinian rocket
hitting a car of 4 civilians, 2 of whom died.

I imagine you hear of Israel committing war crimes with phosphorous.

The International Red Cross, not known as a lover of Israel, investigated and
said that Israel has clean hands with respect to that, but that Hamas has sent
phosphorous in its latest rocket attacks.

Even after Israel was absolved by the Red Cross, the allegations against Israel
continue to spew across the air waves.

Were you aware that according to the U.N. Charter, using civilians as human
shields, hiding ammunition and arms in hospitals, churches and mosques,
and schools are all considered war crimes?

It is true, but the U.N. forgoes taking any action against Hamas for doing so.

However, they pass a resolution against Israel for defending itself against the
daily rockets launched at Israeli civilians by Hamas.

They Only Have One Refuge

Has the world gone mad or have I lost my sense of reality?

Jews make up only 1/2 of 1 percent of the entire world population.

How is that for an enlightening statistic? Almost half of them live in Israel, living lives
of constant vigilance because of rocket fire, suicide bombings, stabbings, sniper fire.

Yet many of them live under these conditions because they have nowhere
else in the world to go. I could always fly home to the States, although I have
no intention of leaving Israel in its time of need. But most of the people here
are in Israel because they have no other country in the world willing to accept them.

Over 600,000 Jews living in Arab countries were exiled from their homes, and
the only place to go was Israel. Many Israelis are survivors or the children of
survivors of Nazi concentration camps. These are the real refugees. Israel is the
only country in the world for them to live.

Tonight, however, I am in a somber mood.

I Know the Soldiers

The fact that 10,000 reserve soldiers have been called to active duty is
disheartening. I personally know too many of them. Thinking about these young
men and women brings tears to my eyes. One of my friends has four of
her sons serving. I have eaten lunch or dinner with all four at one time or another.

Two have been to my table in my home.

I cannot imagine what she must be thinking or feeling.

They are not my sons, but I feel sick to my stomach with fear for their safety.

I know too many young men in elite units, paratroopers and pilots, tank and
infantry. These "kids" know that if they do not fight for Israel now and win, there
will no longer be an Israel. Israel is fighting for its very existence.

As long as the Palestinians profess the destruction of Israel, and teach
their children that it is honorable to be a suicide bomber, to kill Jews and
Americans wherever they are in the world, then there can be no peace.

L'hitraot. Shachar

Shachar is the Hebrew name of a California-based attorney and former Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy who moved to Israel last year.