Was the Vice President in a Showoff Mood?

Mike HennesseyOP-ED

Lent started a week ago last Wednesday.

Wasn't it nice to see our Vice President with ashes on his forehead? 

He must make a real effort to get photographed and appear on camera for the world to see him with the “mark.” 

What a hypocrite.  Here is a person who doesn't support a fundamental belief of his faith, that “life starts at conception.” He probably goes out of his way to display himself on Ash Wednesday. 

There are many days we do not see him in press or before the cameras, so why on this day?

You say I am picking on poor Joe?  Yesterday I received an email for the Kettering Tea Party, telling about the hypocrites we have in Congress (can you believe that?).

I saw a quote attributed to Mr. Biden:  “I pray God when the Democrats take back control, we don't make the kind of naked power grab you are doing.” 

Of course he was referring, at the time, to those nasty Republicans.

To set the record straight, I realize many of us (myself included) do not follow every teaching of his or her church.  Most of us, however, are not public figures. We keep our religious beliefs between us and our Savior.

Let’s Change the Subject

On to the Olympics.  I have told you previously, I'm not much of a sports fan. I do I do, though, enjoy getting the Olympic highlights, and there have been interesting events.

How about the young man who had to leave the Olympics because a girl kissed his medal, which he was holding in an inappropriate location? 

First, pro athletes do much more serious, stupid and criminal acts, are older and still continue to earn the big bucks. 

No, we will not discuss Tiger.  Second, here was a young man, who in a moment of celebration, made a bad choice.  Third, the girl could have refused.  Fourth, someone took a picture and didn't keep it to himself.

Do I blame the Olympic Committee for the action they took? No.

Athletes who participate in the Olympics know they must maintain a high standard of conduct, which is good.  I wish professional athletes would be held to somewhat the same standards.

The Russian figure skater sure is upset about not winning the gold medal.  According to my wife, the winner skated better, admittedly not doing as difficult of routine.

Then there was the girl who skated just after her mother died.  That was outstanding. NBC deserves credit for how well thee covered the performance.

How about the poor speed skater who would have won the gold medal, only to be disqualified due to changing lanes on instructions received from his coach. That was heartbreaking. I feel sorry for both of them.

This weekend is the Learning Tree Farms Antique Appraisal Event, which I chair.  I will share highlights with you next week.

Mr. Hennessey may be contacted at pmhenn@sbcglobal.net