What Many People Don’t Understand

Nicholas PollakOP-ED

As a clinical hypnotherapist, I view the world from a different perspective than most people.

I have a tendency to view people as full of amazing potential they themselves do not recognize. I spend much of my session time helping those who want to change an aspect of their lives.

In all cases, once they have seen, and understood, the potential for change and growth, their recovery is always amazing to see.

One lady had been terrified of snakes since she was seven years old. In two sessions, her fear disappeared. This fear had held her back from her potential for more than 30 years. Once gone, her life has changed in many positive ways.

A lady was terrified of flying, and it limited her ability to travel, to see her friends, to work out of state. Once the fear was removed, her whole life potential changed dramatically. Now she flies everywhere.

Solving a Problem Write Now

A gentleman with writer’s block was unable to complete a book, and his deadline was approaching fast. His career could have been severely tarnished. After a few sessions the block was gone, his book finished and his reputation unharmed. In fact, he sees and now understands, the power of his subconscious to accomplish anything he sets his mind to.

Another gentleman was in severe emotional pain as the result of his discovery that his wife had only married him for his money, that she did not love him and was having extra marital affairs. Once he understood “emotional and physical sexuality (behaviors),” his understanding of relationships improved tremendously.

He was able to let go of the anger and resentment toward his ex-wife, and he dated women more suited to his lifestyle and level of emotional commitment.

A man was having difficulty walking 50 yards. He was so out of breath as a result of his 2-pack a day smoking habit of the past 30 years. Over a few sessions, he quit smoking. Now he works out daily. Never felt better. After quitting smoking, his lungs and body began to heal, allowing him to do activities that 3 months before were unthinkable.

Hypnosis has been around thousands of years. There is evidence it was used by the Greek vestal virgins, the Egyptian Pharaohs, many kings and queens throughout history.

Some argue that Jesus Christ was one of the most powerful hypnotists known to man.

Rasputin (the mad monk) was a peasant from rural Russia in the late 1800s. He possessed such powers of hypnotic persuasion that he became the confidante and advisor to the Tsar and Tsarina of Russia until he was brutally murdered by political foes who felt that his hold over the royal family was dangerous. (As an aside, it took enough poison to kill 3 racehorses, 15 fatal stab wounds and throwing him over a 200-foot cliff to kill him.)

Channeled into the Mainstream

In the late 19th century, lunatics were put on display on the banks of the River Seine in Paris and hypnotized for the entertainment of the masses. Amazingly enough, when the lunatics were hypnotized their behaviors changed so that they appeared to be as normal as the people in the crowd watching them.

When used properly, hypnosis is an amazing tool for our journey through life.

In modern times, hypnosis is becoming more mainstream, accepted in the medical community as a wonderful adjunct, assisting with pain control, relaxation for post- and pre-op surgery, giving birth, and more. In fact, officials of the prestigious Mayo Clinic have written articles singing the praises of hypnosis.


Unfortunately there is still a lot of cynicism toward hypnosis. To a large degree, stage hypnotists feed it. Many are turned off by hypnotism. Having seen the shows, they believe the hypnotist takes control of their mind and has them clucking like chickens.

Let me assure anyone considering hypnosis as a tool for help that you will not do anything in hypnosis that you wouldn't do when not hypnotized. You would not jump off a cliff when awake, and a hypnotist could not make you.

In a state of hypnosis, you appear to be asleep. Your body is extremely relaxed, limp. Your mind, however, is alert. Your senses are more alert than normal, and you are aware of everything that is being said to you as well as other sounds. You will find the hypnotic state to be relaxing. You will feel refreshed after every session.

How hypnosis can help:

Quitting smoking
Fears and phobias
Panic and anxiety
Losing weight.
Improving sports performance
Improving memory.
Improving sales.
Better public speaking.
Improved motivation.
Chronic pain control.
Anger management.
Relationship issues.
Fear of dentists.
Fear of needles.
Improve confidence.
And more.

One last story. I am a Harley rider. A few weeks ago I came across two riders who had collided. One was dazed but otherwise okay. The second had broken his hip, leg and arm, in a lot of pain and unable to move.

With his consent, I was able to put him in a light trance, which helped him to mentally distance himself from the pain. That, in turn, led him to relax his body, which helped to reduce the potential of going into deep shock.

Hypnosis is not mysticism, witchcraft; hocus-pocus or even a mystery. Anyone can learn it, and an understand the principles of how to hypnotize.

What counts, though, is what you do with it.