From the Right, Mr. Noonan

Ari L. NoonanSports

The express purpose of the three main sponsors of the Communist International Workers Day rallies — international Communist groups, the Catholic Church and Democratic activist groups — was to fog the windows of immigration by encouraging hysteria. The resulting confusion would exponentially grow each group’s base, a tactic that has supplied supple supplicants for decades. Love those poor people. Unctuous and  ubiquitous, they are the cheapest, hungriest, most grateful, most accessible actors in town. Communists, politically savvy Catholics and Dems use ‘em whenever they need an instant slave to tap dance for the nice people. These masters of manipulation dependably dip into their Poor People Bucket every time they want to fool their fans. Out they pull the predictably pliable to serve as extras, mindless props, rag dolls. Always available, the members of the Poor People Bucket Brigade will reliably respond on cue to their devious direction for whatever price their puppeteers offer, a stale taco, a soured milk.
Organizers Made Only One Error
The only clunker move by the organizers was to badly misjudge the importance of illegal immigrants to the daily health of America. They found that illegals are as vital as the fourth gas station at an intersection. By encouraging their puppets to skip work and to forego school for the day, by thunder, the motley army of illegals was going to force America to come to a complete stop for a day and salute their odious demands.  At least in this town, students were punished (see adjoining story). Nationally, the economic impact hovered near zero. A snowstorm makes a bigger dent — and it doesn’t upset nearly as many people. In my experience, when a janitor cuts a day of work, he has twice as much to sweep up the next day. Maybe the organizers don’t know what janitors do. 
The simplest, most brilliant stratagem employed by the organizers was to call their protest an “immigration march,” not a “march for illegal immigration,” which would be needlessly offensive. By resurrecting and repainting the motto, “America was built by immigrants,” the sly organizers cruelly mocked and distorted one of this country’s most dearly held values.
Next, organizers assembled small knots of simple-minded Mexican illegals in each community and pointed them toward the streets. Once the propaganda brigade packaged the message of the march in slick, succinct, pathetically tearful I-Am-a-Victim language, in Spanish and English, of course, the orchestration was nearing completion. 
How Not to Cast a Parade
Organizers were confident the imagery of the simple-minded, illegal immigrant Mexicans marching for their rights would be an irresistible magnet for liberals in every town where a rally was to be held. Then the dominoes of me-too media momentum would start falling, and, presto, you would have a hot parade. Ostensibly, it was a tableau of the cloyingly unwashed, clawing at the guilt-ridden, notoriously naive souls of unsuspecting Americans. That was the intended imagery. But this was not your grandfather’s holiday parade of patriots, saluting the founding of America. There was a proud, nasty vein of anti-Americanism inserted at each site. In fact, the mass of marchers in every rally city was liberally salted with thousands of ringers from hundreds of Socialist and other liberal organizations, waving placards, eccentrically promoting various anti-American causes.
Who Could Take Them Seriously?
However, once the emotions of the day were stripped away, the underlying truths about the march were finally exposed. As if the notion of undesirable, unqualified, non-English-speaking invaders, marching for non-existent “rights,” was not preposterous enough, the rallies were deadly dumb displays of narcissism and arrogance. The hubris of uncomplicated people who sneaked over the Mexican border, drained free or cheap services in this country, and then were encouraged to step into the daylight of American streets to issue demands, was the one of the most bizarre constructions of our lives. They behaved as hooligans often do in a mob setting. A march by uncaught illegals was a sadly serious but comical calculation that only a shallow liberal — but I repeat myself — could love.