How Do You Spell Wall-Mart?

Ari L. NoonanSports

       The intellectually impoverished gentleman displaying this banner unfortunately missed the final score five hundred and fourteen years ago. Probably because he was attending the biennial meeting of the Flat Earth Society. He also was spotted marching in a War Between the States parade. He promised that the South would emerge from defeat — right after whatever side he was on in 1492 recovered.
Strike Up the Victimology Band, Professor
       Absent favorable data, good liberals unfailingly play for sympathy, the only weapon left in their tricks bag. Like rabbits, they prolifically breed impassioned preachers of Victimology.
As apprenticing liberals, the students  painted the immigrants streaming sneakily across the Mexican border as poor and hungry —known to serious people as the Daily Double.
       They called lawbreaking illegal immigrants victims. This requires ambitious imagination, not to mention blinders. To their handlers, masters of disingenuity, the reasoning is perfectly logical. Liberals detest rules — unless they can be bent and turned on the enforcers of law. 
Wall, Wall Now, What Have We?
       Boys, boys. The solution is not nearly as baffling or elusive as the marchers and their handlers have been trying to convince us.
       Build the wall at the Mexican border, whether it covers seven hundred miles, as presently proposed, or is slightly smaller. Bingo. The moral concept is elementary. When Israel built its wall to discourage Arab terrorists, terrorist traffic was reduced by a whopping ninety-five percent.
Any child over the age of six or seven— with serious parents — probably would tell you that people who break the law should be punished.
       The protestors are instructed to present a panoply of charges in order to sow both confusion and distraction. Their handlers, meanwhile, refill their emotional tanks with renewed charges of racism and Victimology, yet another lip-smacking Daily Double. This one worked for gays. It worked for feminists. No reason it shouldn’t click for Hispanics.
       America’s leading black and white race-baiters have been working overtime the past few weeks, churning up the volume over illegal immigration to a hysterical level.
       The race-baiters know the data as well as the good guys: Illegal immigrants comprise twenty-nine percent of the national prison population, fifty-five percent of the inmate roster in the County Jail. Four hundred and forty thousand ex-cons — plenty of them Middle Easterners — have poured across the Mexican border into Arizona in the past three years.
       Those are arresting numbers.
       As long as they have been public figures in this town, the Mayor of Los Angeles and the Cardinal of Los Angeles, the two most defiant local liberals with credibility, have been whipping up their own not so separate masses into a frenzy.
       Not coincidentally, the prime targets of a presumed immigration-law crackdown are the majority constituencies of the Mayor and the Cardinal.
       They tell their sheep, “Don’t pay attention to what the law says about illegal immigrants. You are victims of racism.”
       That the Mayor and the Cardinal willfully, openly encourage lawbreaking while making arguments about racism and Victimology should bring censure down upon the heads of both.
Operating purely in their own self-interests, the Mayor and the Cardinal chant the newest trendy mantra in unison, “Humans are not illegal.”
       To confirm my suspicions, I will email them tonight to learn whether three and three have become five, and four and four equal seven.

       Respectfully, gentlemen, I disagree.