Tell Me, Is It March or April?

Ari L. NoonanSports

       Picnic-type stories will dominate every newspaper with Times, Post, Globe or Inquirer in its name,
       Devilishly, the marches were branded as “pro-immigration.” Were that the truth, all but about twenty Americans would have been in the streets.
       The demonstrations were, in fact, intended to strong-arm Congress into declaring that legal immigrants and illegal aliens are equal under  the law. Everything else is detail.
       Every rally in every city was scripted as tightly as “My Fair Lady.”
       They were planned more secretively and scrupulously than the Iraqi War.
 A Little Game of Gotcha
       This many people have not been fooled at one time since P.T. Barnum’s heyday. It was Kukla, Fran and Ollie with a Latin beat.
       Like a hayseed coming to town for the first time, the plot and the manipulators were so obvious that Sherlock Holmes would have had this resolved by Page Two.
       The rallies were as spontaneous as those Stalin-era turnouts in the old Soviet Union, no accident since the principal organizers included numerous Communist and Communist-front groups.
       Nothing of significance happened that was not closely planned.
       Marchers could be divided into two groups: Dupes and their handlers.
       To demonstrate that Muslim yahoos are growing smarter not dumber, Muslims, in that great old American tradition, climbed on a bandwagon that was gaining momentum.
       The populist benefits to be derived from participating in a heavily Mexican march were too plain even for sometimes slow-thinking Muslim leaders to miss.
       Muslims reported out yesterday in far greater force than last month.
       Some organizers, like worldwide A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), have been around several years.
       Catholic bishops, who have a terrible losing streak going, share a large dollop of blame for turning out the crowds. On the heels of the child molestation scandals, they just keep pounding their drums to whip up the masses.
       Other organizers, especially those with “coalition” in their names, have been stitched together in recent weeks and months via the internet.
The Real Meaning
       Just as the term “activist” almost always means a political liberal, coalition generally means anyone on the left — from moderate to extreme — who has not marched in awhile.
       Coalition, you should understand, is an  undisguised code word for an enclave for victims — immigrants, children of immigrants, feminists, gays and lesbians, labor unions, race-baiters, abortion-rights advocates, and anyone else who ever has been stopped by a cop.
       One popular word threaded through many reports this morning was “grassroots.”
       Stuff happens.
       You are asked to believe that a victim involuntarily sprang up in disparate neighborhoods, and just like the Music Man, they all came to town on the same day with their Seventy-Six Trombones.
       Si Si Puede.
       By the sheerest coincidence, the marchers  met on a street corner where journalists were passing by, and a banner story was born.
       The hidden genius of all of these manipulated demonstrations for the past month has been the instant adoption of the dishonest terms that organizers coyly have employed.
       Ever eager to cooperate with their philosophical brethren, reporters on the most influential journals in the country routinely have integrated the exact words of market-savvy organizers into their coverage.
       Organizers knew they would. Most journalists are strongly sympathetic to the varied causes of the protestors.
       Deploying a favorite strategy of the left, to confuse the audience with a whole bouquet of claims, there must have been twenty-five causes that were thrown at the wall. All carried the identical smoking-hot degree of intensity. What you, the listener, were to remember was that many decent people — especially the poor who are not white — have a staggering list of gripes against this government.
       Even if it is not important to recall all complaints by name, my favorite charge was that the Washington government is destroying “family reunification.”

       So what if some members of a family sneaked in here illegally? They are good people. Their impoverishment is all the proof of identity and legitimacy they need. Hurrah for the poor.