You Are Unwelcome

Ari L. NoonanSports

Mayor Wrong, Cardinal Wrong Return
        You may believe there is no difference between the two poles of a moral concept — as long as you understand that it disqualifies you from membership in this law-based society. You may believe down is up or that yesterday is today — as long as you soberly realize that what you publicly proclaim carries consequences. It is axiomatic that actions have consequences, a principle the coarse ladies and gentlemen should have learned in the most uncomplicated classroom. When balmy thinking religious leaders, especially from the Catholic Church, square their shoulders with those of illegals and declare, with straight faces, there is no difference between "legal” and “illegal,” you gain a renewed illumination into the shaky intellectual machinery underpinning the decades of child molestation. The brazenly defiant assertion that there is no difference between “right” and “wrong” is an amoral departure unworthy of grown but aging men charged with leading one of the world’s great religions. Such a drunken accusation is an insult to every serious Catholic teacher in America who holds, upon reflection, that right, indeed, differs from wrong.
        No longer is this merely a frothy case of you saying “po-tay-toes” while I say “po-tah-toes.” Disgusting charismatic leaders, such as Mayor Wrong of Los Angeles and Cardinal Wrong of Los Angeles, tell their puppets to jump, and the puppets practically suffer hernias when they leap, mechanically. The buffoonish behavior of Mayor Wrong and Cardinal Wrong would be laughable if the subject, and the consequences, were not serious. That Cardinal Wrong and Mayor Wrong would jointly drop to their knees and help the chorus of illegals and their sympathizers claw apart the moral fabric of America is one of the bizarre tableaus of our lifetime. That their babbling is taken seriously says more about the audiences of the Mayor and the Cardinal than it does about their own talents. 

Will You Cover for Me, Pal?

        They sound as if they are on the sauce when they babble that “illegal” and “legal” are synonyms. Cardinal Wrong and Mayor Wrong serve as backstops for each other. “You fool ‘em, Charlie, and I will swear it’s true.” A photo in the Los Angeles Times the other day, depicting the Cardinal proffering Communion to Mayor Wrong, reminded me of one of those classic “Godfather” scenes where the morally muddy mobsters were consorting with each other. The twin hostility to the rule of law by both Mayor Wrong and Cardinal Wrong is chilling. This is Santa Claus being arrested for murder — or child molestation, if he worked in one of Cardinal Wrong’s churches.

        Fear not, I say to the wrongdoers. Be patient. By the time Mayor Wrong slyly gains control of the judicial system in Los Angeles — following his bloodless takeover of public schools but before he gains complete power over the entertainment industry — he will grant full pardons to all of Cardinal Wrong’s boys. Just like the mob, the Mayor and the Cardinal take care of each other.