‘Cancel School Hearing’

Robert L. RosebrockOP-EDLeave a Comment

Councilman Bonin. Photo: Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times

Elva Nuno-O’Donnell
City Planner, Major Projects
6262 Van Nuys Blvd., Room 351
Van Nuys, CA  91401

Mr. Nuno-O’Donnell,

This is a formal objection in opposition to this afternoon’s hearing, Approval of the CUP for Brentwood School, which is expected to be heard before the L.A. City Council’s Planning and Land Use Committee at 2:30 in City Hall.

City Councilman Mike Bonin profanely boasts in an email:  “At my request, Brentwood School reached an agreement with the Veterans Administration, allowing construction trucks to cut through the VA campus, sparing the rest of us the impact of construction traffic on Sunset Boulevard and other local streets.”

This kind of arrogant, self-serving misconduct by entrusted public servants must cease.

The Old Veterans Guard, instrumental in obtaining a federal judgment against the VA for nine real estate deals that were adjudicated “unauthorized by law and therefore void,” is adamantly opposed to this egregious, illegal invasion, including any use of this sacred land other than how and why it was morally and legally deeded 129 years ago.

It was and is to essentially be permanently maintained as a National Home for disabled, destitute and disadvantaged U.S. military Veterans, as mandated by an 1887 Act of Congress.

For the city of Los Angeles, which illegally occupies 12 acres of Veterans’ VA property for a public dog park and recreation center – rent-free — to be dictating the use of this sacred federal land for large, noisy construction trucks through the VA as Veterans are trying to heal is traitorous and must be terminated.

In 2014, your boss Mayor Eric Garcetti, promised to end Veteran homelessness in Los Angeles by the end of 2015. Los Angeles is still our nation’s capital for homeless Veterans.

He has failed disgracefully.

Instead of properly utilizing this sacred land for an emergency humanitarian relief housing sanctuary for our war-injured Veterans, he now is illegally manipulating it to be used as a public thoroughfare for large construction trucks to benefit non-Veteran entities.

Mr. Garcetti is a shameful embarrassment to his fellow Veterans and the city of Los Angeles.

Moreover, never has there been a more disgusting assault on the sanctity of this Veterans-deeded property than the day ex-VA Secretary Robert A. McDonald set foot on it on behalf of his wealthy and powerful non-Veteran cronies.

Now his Los Angeles VA executive director, Ann Brown — a non-Veteran — has cut a deal with non-Veteran L.A. City Councilman Bonin to use this land to benefit one of the wealthiest private schools in the nation and further benefit his fat-cat elitist constituents.

This amounts to crimes against humanity — against war-injured military Veterans forced to live homeless and hungry in dangerous  conditions at Skid Row. Meanwhile, dogs urinate, defecate and fornicate in a public dog park — on land belonging to these needy Veterans.

Each person participating in this blasphemous plundering has blood on his  hands.

If there is an ounce of integrity within the city of Los Angeles government, this City Council Planning and Land Use Committee hearing must be canceled and permanently dismissed with no further consideration.

In sum, do the honorable thing and immediately cancel this bogus hearing. Direct Mayor Garcetti to immediately vacate the city’s illegal use of Veterans VA property for a public dog park.

God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!

Mr. Rosebrock, Director, Old Veterans Guard, may be contacted at rrosebrock1@aol.com

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