No Problem Is Too Difficult

Nicholas PollakOP-EDLeave a Comment

Nicholas Pollak
Nicholas Pollak

Losing weight, quitting smoking, improving your sports and work performances, improving motivation, relationships, confidence and self-esteem.

These issues are a constant source of work for hypnotists.

As a hypnotist, I have a strong desire to help anyone who comes into my office. Hypnosis is an internal concentration tool helping anyone to visualize the person he or she wants to be.

How did it begin?

In 1876 an experiment was conducted with two individuals. One was asked to go into a room and sleep. The other was hypnotized and appeared to be completely asleep. A paragraph from a book was read to the sleeping man and the hypnotized man.

When each was awakened and asked what had happened, the sleeping man was unaware of anything. The hypnotized man quoted the paragraph almost word for word.

The sleeping man was unaware of anything around him. The hypnotized man appeared asleep but was even more sharply aware than when awake. They had discovered the true concentration power of hypnosis.

Back in the 1970s, hypnotists used subliminal tapes. The idea was to listen as you were settling down to sleep. The  tape would continue while you were asleep, allowing you to absorb what was on the tape.

It became clear the subliminal tapes were not working when the person was asleep. They had limited value just before a person went to sleep.

Your subconscious is at its most open five to 10 minutes before bedtime. In that window, you can create subconscious change.

First, you will want to understand how you communicate. All of us speak in a mixture of literal and inference. Once you know which is more dominant in you, you will want to write down the changes you want three to five times a night for 21 days. After 21 days, you can create another change and work on that for another 21 days.

Writing is crucial because it is a direct link to your subconscious. Remember that however you normally speak out, you take in information in the opposite way.

If you take in information in 65 percent literally that would be your dominant communication. The person would speak out 65 percent inference.

When listing the desired changes, write them as if someone were talking to you. When you talk to yourself, you talk as if talking to someone else which would be the opposite way you need to talk to yourself. Confusing but critical.

Use this principle: If you speak out literally, write your changes with inference. If you speak out with inference, write your changes literally.

When you know which way you communicate and when you start to write down the changes you want, you will be amazed at how easy it can be to create change for yourself and also how quickly they take place.

Say you want to lose weight.

A literal statement: “I see myself eating and exercising in a healthy way and I lose weight.”

An inference: “I love the new me at the target weight I wanted.”

Literal states what you need to do. Inference shows the result.

In 1975 inference was discovered. The population became hypnotizable. Before this discovery only those who took information in literally were hypnotizable.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at See my website at

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