Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail

Nicholas PollakOP-EDLeave a Comment

Image: Dawn Hudson / publicdomainpictures.net

Since the new year celebrations have vanished, I suspect your new year’s resolutions have, too.

Why do you always fall back into negative habits?

We become the people we are by the time we are 12 years old. You handle issues today the way you did at that age.

We train our subconscious to give us the behaviors we show and how we deal with life. Everything about us is stored within our subconscious – starting with the environment in which we were raised, the decisions our parents made for us,  and ultimately our own decisions that have brought us where we are.

The subconscious is a hard drive that never decides if information is bad or good. Our conscious mind does that. It forms 10 percent of the total brain power we use. The subconscious is 90 percent.

The reason you are unable to stick with your new year’s resolutions is that the decision to make the resolution is being handled by the 10 percent. To make a lasting change, it must take place within the subconscious. Once the subconscious has understood the change you want and it is positioned within your subconscious, only then will you be successful in achieving a turnaround.

Imagine being a crawling baby who goes into the kitchen where mom is working. You see a big white box with a square of glass in the middle. Crawling up, you touch it. Instantly stung you pull back your hand. Too hot. Crying, Mom soothes you. You have learned this white object hurts.

Next day you crawl back to the kitchen. Approaching the stove, you cautiously extend your hand. Hmm. Cold this time.  Both scenarios are imprinted on your  subconscious forever.

When you, as a baby, are alone with mom, she rushes to you when you cry. Once dad comes home, she does not come as quickly. In your baby mind, she clearly likes what dad is doing better.

The baby observes dad’s behaviors ore closely. If the baby copies successfully,  mom will love him more.  In effect, we tend to reflect our fathers.

There is no doubt, however, that hypnosis is perfect for helping anyone with new year’s resolutions to be as successful as he or she wishes.

Do not hesitate to contact me by telephone, 310.204.3321, or by email at nickpollak@hypnotherapy4you.net. See my website at www.hypnotherapy4you.net

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