Why This Should Be a Happy March for Me

Robert EbsenOP-EDLeave a Comment

After months of watching 3-D movies just inches from my nose on my virtual reality headset, I am ready to take the next step. What will it be like to go from a 4-inch 3-D picture on my iPhone to a 100-inch big-screen 3-D picture?

I just discovered the 3-D projector option last week when I was looking for 3-D TVs at Best Buy. It seems that 3-D TVs have been phased out. There are no new 3-D TVs made for 2017. One can purchase 3-D TV models from previous years for about twelve hundred dollars and up.

Just before leaving the store with sad eyes, I inadvertently walked into a side viewing room. There on a really big screen was a beautiful movie. How did it get there I wondered? Then, I saw it above my head. It was a projector that cost over a thousand dollars. I could not afford that. I continued my sad-face exit from the store.

When I went projector-searching via my friend Amazon, I was delighted. Today, there are hundreds of 3-D-ready projectors with prices starting below three hundred dollars.

To watch big screen 3-D, in addition to the projector, one needs a 3-D Bluray DVD player and 3-D glasses.

It would also be nice to have a pair of Bluetooth headphones so as not to awake the family at night. A cable connecting my iPhone to the system would allow me to project family movies, etc.

Okay, now for the big question: Where will I set up my 100-inch-diagonal screen? The dimensions of the screen are about 7 ft. x 5 ft. To comfortably view the big screen, I need to sit 12 feet from the screen.

Can you picture me today, going from room to room with my thirty-foot retractable tape measure?   There are many considerations as to where to place the screen. The screen, and possibly the projector, will be mounted from the ceiling. To ensure a secure attachment, it will be ideal to have a section of plywood on the attic floor into which I can screw hooks for the screen, and a mounting device for the projector.

Time will tell how much I watch my 3-D Bluray movies on the big screen. I hope I am blown away by the experience, and that I will find it a continuing pleasure.

Most of us do not know how many years we have left in life. When you are approaching eighty, you know you are lucky for each additional year you live. So I am happy to get excited about new hobbies and interests. Together with my loving family, and my apparently good health, my hobbies keep me happy.

Happy March, everyone.

Mr. Ebsen may be contacted at robertzebsen@gmail.com

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