George Laase: Who or What Deems a Story Newsworthy?

George LaaseOP-ED

     In an apparent attempt to appease the City Council and the Chamber of Commerce, the other two community newspapers in Culver City decided not to cover the shooting across from the Post Office in Culver City last month. 
     Fortunately, The Front Page is not intent on letting money get in the way of the ethical standards of reporting news.

George Laase: Why an Independent Voice Was Needed

George LaaseOP-ED

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Sparked by a public dispute over healthcare benefits, this is the second in a series analyzing the politics surrounding recent School Board elections.) 

     In September of ’03, the thinking of the School Board about healthcare benefits went from legal to definitely knowing that some coverages were illegal.
     Yet there was no public revisiting of the expenditure, no public debate, no vote on continuing this expenditure by the School District, as mandated by law.

George Laase: The Way It Was in ’03

George LaaseOP-ED

     In the School Board election two years ago for two seats, Roger Maxwell, a parent from Farragut School ran against the incumbents Marla Wolkowitz and Stewart Bubar. The two Board members ran their ;pw-key campaigns as if they felt quite assured of the outcomes until about a month before voters went to the polls.  It was publicly disclosed that some Board members were taking more than twice the legal limit in healthcare benefits.
     When confronted with the fact at two public meetings of the School Board, members remained silent, not even acknowledging the truth. They did not offer any public explanation, remaining unresponsive. I guess they thought it would better for them politically to maintain silence since it was so near to Election Day.