Ready, Fire, Aim at Latest Trump Nominee

Ari L. NoonanBreaking News, OP-EDLeave a Comment

Mr. Friedman

As the potentially most productive president of the United States prepares to succeed the weakest president one month from tomorrow, the desperate leftist media turns its influential guns on traditional Jews and support of Israel, historically a handy target.

Shortly after President-elect Trump on Friday nominated David Friedman, an Orthodox Jew, lawyer and longtime business associate, ambassador to Israel, the unquenchably angry leftist hounds pounced.

Without exception, every Trump nominee has been scalded as sub-human and unqualified.

“Trump’s Pick as Envoy to Is Hostile to Two-State Efforts,” bellowed The New York Times on the front page of Saturday’s edition.

Bulletin to the Times: Since Israel gained statehood in 1948, every so-called “Palestinian” government has opposed a side-by-side state solution. No exceptions. What are we worried about?

The United Nations, of all people, officially the divided the land between the Jews and Arabs, only to have the Arabs go to war against Israel on the very day statehood was declared in May 1948. It is important to remember that Arabs have been shooting at Jews every day since.

Another Side of Trump

Buried deep inside the Times’s story, beyond the reach of the average short-attention-span reader, we learn an amazing fact about the friendship between Messrs. Trump and Friedman:

“Their relationship was cemented in 2005, friends said, when Mr. Trump traveled three hours in a snowstorm to pay a condolence call on Mr. Friedman after the death of his father, a prominent Long Island rabbi.

“‘He was very taken by Trump spending almost all day just to pay a shiva (condolence) call,’ said Yossi Kahana, one of two friends who described the visit. ‘Barely any people came. And here is Trump, coming and sitting with him and talking about things that are important to both of them, their values, their fathers and their legacies.’”

The Los Angeles Times, with its documented history of Jew-Israeli hatred, presented a lopsidedly anti-Israel story on its front page Saturday.

Ferociously critical of Mr. Friedman even though the report was mischaracterized as a “news” story, not an op-ed, the Trump-hating Times’ headline read:

“Trump could upend policy on Middle East.”

Tracy Wilkinson, who was despised by many Jewish readers of the Times when she was assigned to Israel a few years ago, was one of two reporters on the story.

Context, of course, is critical. Every president from Truman to Obama has sort of tried to make peace between Jews and Arabs. All failed spectacularly because the Arabs claim the entire territory. Arabs say they will not make peace until the Jews are gone. Toward that end, Arabs attack Israel regularly.

In the tradition of anti-Semites, Tracy freely sprinkled her opinion through the anti-Trump diatribe, employing buzzwords.

Mr. Friedman supports Mr. Trump’s pledge to move the U.S. embassy to the capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which Mr. Friedman and all religious Jews identify as “Israel’s eternal capital.”

Tracy correctly says that while all U.S. presidents have vowed to move the embassy but have failed, it is because Jerusalem is “disputed” territory. Arabs also claim it as their capital, which it never has been, and which is like saying “Santa Barbara is the eternal capital of Christianity.”

She seeks to grant legitimacy to Arabs where there is none.

Employing another favorite gimmick of anti-Semites, Tracy alludes to “traditionally Arab East Jerusalem.” The phrase is nonsense. Arabs gained control of East Jerusalem for the first time in their history when they made war on Israel in 1948. They held it – forbidding Jews to enter – for 19 years, until Israel regained it in the Six-Day War of 1967.

So much for the “peace”process.

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